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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 6, 2016
Figure it's about time, I started one of these.
been on these boards since for a long time, GC has acted as pretty much that one mentor figure throughout my much younger years.

the best way to improve is by keeping one of these, I already somewhat keep one offline so this will be a start, somewhere to log progress and keep sharp.

will hopefully start, being a little more active on here in general

let's see how quickly we can make that legend status...


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 6, 2016
Now there is an revamped introduction drafted but the reports are vital so this will be up first.

Thursday 17th November- Night Game (NG), Club game

Was due in the city for a masquerade party, dress code was just a mask but of course most people do formal for the theme, so to differentiate myself...

Outfit - Black bomber jacket, Black and silver dragon button up shirt, black jeans, black chelseas and 2 necklaces (silver phoenix and skull), black leather wristband.

Night start
Got there a couple minutes early so i used the time to scope out the surrounding area out of curiosity partially but also for logistics, I'm not from the city so logistics are nil and this was a one man op (hadn't done it in a while and i needed to push myself, working solo allows full focus on the self.). found a few interesting spots with potenial for later pull.

After satisfying my curiosity I walked in maybe 12 minutes late into the foyer, the venue is a club/concert type venue and used the start to build some momentum so i start talking with a group of 2 dudes and befriend them and chill with them when i walk in (turned out to also be lone wolves) so i chill with them for a bit and the first set comes by through them surprisingly

Casual Talk/ Momentum - Hot Promoter before set 1
Probably one of the hotter girls there, should have attempted a push on this one (Would have been so easy to use Countries stack hook) but built momentum instead, the friend i made at the foyer is like the ultimate initiater, girl is talking about giving out these color coded glowsticks (Green = single, yellow = one night stand etc) as wristbands and they're talking about the whole weirdness behind asking people if they're single (literally had the perfect opportunity to use the are you single line with context...) before diving into the venue in search of our missing 3rd brother among other things

Set 1 HB- Swiss (Three Set) (Where i need the sharp advice) FU
(Had potential to be my quickest play yet, didn't end up great though)

One of the friends ends up somehow engaging the group (Three Set) so i used the intro to talk to HB's friend who I ended up somewhat knowing cause same course at the same uni and she introduces me to the others there (Hb and her other friend) so once I'm done making small talk about uni and shit.
I engage HB-Swiss, No AI's or anything, kinda had the pre-open set socially so I just did it casually think i tapped her on the elbow/arm (touching established)

BLUE = Lucky

Approach to hook
Hey so whats your name again?
HB Swiss

asked nationality (looked swiss as fuck) (ended up being mixed)
Hooking tech- Countries Game

Hook to Isolation
then i asked about her course and why she did it (prestigious uni),

hobbies (Horse riding among other things...) (I may have used revamped golden question)
"ahh so your a rich girl"
"ahh i hate that people thinking i'm the stereotypical rich girl like i'm more that that"
screened for logistics (city chick, mentions a suburb where i have no clue where it is)

friends eventually left us to go dance, she stayed (compliance)

First Isolation
led into SOT "Do you consider yourself an adventurous person"
Led into travel asked her about where she's travelled (been all over the world)
asked if she was going to take me around the world
said maybe or something like that
Asked about her favorite place to travel
think she mentioned France during some point
Asked "when she was going to take me there" (Setting up the whole image of us together)
she said something about "the two of us being in the most romantic place in the world"
are you already sizing me up for a relationship... i mean I'm flattered... (Chase Frame)
get some laughter (High Point)

after saying something else and struggling to get her to hear me (had been using whispers into her ear which helped me push the touch barrier more and utilise my deepened voice better) i suggest we move to a spot to talk better

Isolation to pull ( Where I messed up, hit me with the advice here)
When moving to the spot i offer my arm which she takes so she holds my hand for a bit (Compliance) before I'm like i could totally do more wtf Lucky...
So i start grabbing her by the waist (Compliance) then my ego comes in and is like hey there is like a free photo-booth like right there (Also figured preselection if played right...), so I suggest grabbing a photo and of course she like yeah so we go there and we grab a photo i have my arm around her waist and we're posing, totally wanted her to look me in the eyes when it was taken but wasn't able to set it up ):

But consolation prize Cameraman is like
"kiss her on the cheek!"
So I'm thinking i mean it's free compliance and pretty sure that doesn't kill too much tension like a makeout... (Feel free to correct me)
"I'm going to kiss you on the cheek" I whisper into her ear
"okay" (Smile)
Cue the photos
Cheers camera man

after that i lead her to a sitting area close to the foyer and the exit (compliance)

then we start talking, I Deep Dive into her family for a bit was not off with the rich girl assumption,
asked about nationality (swiss mixed) and how she doesn't look like her other side

"not that i'm complaining" when i brought it up (Love the Swedish look...)
"thanks" and cue her laughing
then brought up her dress and how it stands out
again another "thank you" and she goes into it being her expensive formal dress
(Lots of potenial here for push and pull, also may have over-validated here but it was genuine interest)

Somehow that led into her saying she isn't a social/ party person said she isn't really the type that gets out much and somehow leads to her not saying she doesnt get hit on much.

i ask her to take off her mask and she follows through ( Compliance gain + I wanted to be sure she was hot, never underestimate a half mask...)
said she wasnt too bad, just that she probably doesnt notice the other guys looking and not doing anything (More validation need to add push pull) (was tempted to make out here, but wanted to go for gold... alas)

Cold Read/ Rainbow ruse off her earlier statement (not social and not too talkative) "i bet your type of friend people come to because your good listener, so they tell you all their problems and you try your best to give solid advice...

"OMG your exactly right!" (nothing like educated assumptions...)

Wildcard (Friend finds us)
like a second later her friend swings by and is like
"i was looking all over for you, just wanted to say we're on the dance floor"
"I'll be there in a bit, like 5 minutes..." (Compliance gain)

and things go to shit from here

Failure to escalate/ continue the mid game

that may have thrown me off and my brain goes into over drive, cue the thought process being like
Fuck, okay we got this... need to escalate the vibe then pull, can push for make out but i want lay, but how... sex talk is an option but how we implement it... (needed to use a gambit here, need to memorise one...)

So instead of doing something awesome, i lead it back into rapport and overthinking meaning the conversation is slow with pauses because I'm really focused on the next move.
So then of course, I'm guessing she picked up on the hesitation
"hey let's head to the dance floor"
"yeah sure" (should have resisted but brain was fried.)

Dance Floor (Death)
What i learned/ relearned tonight is that I either need to get this whole DF shit down or just avoid it.

So we ended up at the dance floor and danced with her group of friends and one of mine i tried to dance a bit and i got some compliance with dancing with her (spins and pulling each other in a bit each time but i didnt really know what i was doing, and it showed) + physical escalation infront of crowd + her friends is currently a mental sticking point

Then eventually there was a point where all her friends disappeared and she asked if i wanted her number (i figured free compliance so i accepted the grab)
Also i grabbed a selfie (no clue why assuming it a dumb ego thing...)
and i should have attempted to pull in that time frame (did so later, but no success, got a maybe) but i dont think i did this came later at not so great times after i broke circle

I would break off to grab drinks (breaking circle multiple times... not a great idea) occasionally and come back and of course wild cards came into play.
And eventually due to my lack of action on the DF, she kept on popping up next to me and she would be going on her phone like a fuck ton on the DF, eventually she phased out and interest was lost
attempted hail mary when i saw my friend dancing with his girl and to try and reiniate a dance and it's misinterpreted her friend is like
"she doesn't want to go with you"
and she gives her socials out to some wildcard.

Well that sucks, figured i spent a ton of time here, so i head off.

I mean i got number but i debate on the follow up, feel like the DF phase came off as needy and lack of ability to lead when it counted.
Hit me with the most advice here.
I'm pretty sure it's the mid-game to late game where i'm lacking the most, which something i should have picked up on sooner.

My hooks are usually on approach, despite the lack of pre open when I look back in retrospect on my journey...

Casual Talk - Hot Bartender (Hook practice)
Cold Read open as she serves me a drink (Your x right?)
music makes it hard to hear so she leans in
and i guessed right
then I run my Countries Game/ Where am I from stack
get some resistance with the whole I'm not good at guessing nationality
tell her to try anyway
she runs through 3 answers before giving up. then I give the answer...
Don't really continue past that, music made things a bitch so an eject from me when i probably could have stayed in the game and played a bit longer.

Set 2 HB- Medico (Lone wolf) FU
After the shit show which was HB- Swiss, I'm chilling at one of the bars, drinking my drink and observing the club and eventually a girl comes up and near me with some dude tagging a little bit behind her.
Open using the Country Cold Read (Your x right?)
struggles to hear
we both lean in (really got to work on cutting out my leans and instead requesting compliance or moving to close up whispers...)
"No I'm Egyptian"
then i run my countries game stack (Hooked)
mention "it's hard to hear her lets move"
then she's like "yeah we can go outside"
"We can just head to near the entrance there's seats there"
(WTF brain, why...)
"yeah sure"
tells her friend she's going with me

Then admittedly I deep dive pretty terribly, my conversational leading was off and she did help to pick up my weak point asking me questions
mentions a time constraint too ( work in the morning, coffee barista)
jokingly ask if that means "free coffee"
then i move her one more time (compliance) cause the music is still super loud again not outside like i should have but into a corner where there are wildcards/ 2 set of dudes.
also continue to mess up the leading here, needed to make it flirtatious and pull.

dude ends up joining in, one of us breaks circle, dude pretty much shoots up the conversation, dude even asks if we're thing to which we're like no we met...

dude used my phone to get his snap and got the girl to type it in hers, got outplayed for sure.
that was totally on me should have led better and not moved to a wild card haven, he DD'ed and qualified us both playing us like a two set.

convo with the girl of course dies out there says she has to find her friend or something then leave, honestly the conversation was dead anyway when i attempted that second move, and lesson learned on wildcards and night game.

Botched Approach Opening - Navy (2 set)
saw her on Dance Floor (DF) before getting close and giving looks but due to having near zero dance floor game didn't do much.
(Tbh I should have like tried to start a convo on the DF when she was hot)
So i approached her later but i think i was angled towards her with the opening...
"where are you from?" instead of my usual cold read assumption open
get a look, i think she says something maybe "time to go" and then turns to her friend and then they leave together

Can't win em all... yet.
(Note to self- This is why, you open from the side (Body Rocking) work better... maybe I need to stick to the cold read/ assumption openers and hit it while its hot when you have the option)

So i'm kinda there wondering if she said something like follow me or the typical rejection, I wasn't really phased by it, more confused so instead i put on a smile and sat down next to a dude and talked life for a bit as break, by this time most people had already left the club, music was still playing and there was still show on (place had band playing some pretty dope songs), might as well enjoy it for a bit.

Review and moving forward
I dont feel too bad about the FU ups here... (at the moment at least, save for set 2) due to just getting used to playing the field this year, it's more about what I've learned from this experience.

Am attempting to make the switch from a Narc mindset to more of a Mach mindset, figure I'll learn more once I drop the ego and play tactically, also need to work on being focused on the present, sometimes keeping all this stuff in your head can take you out of focus in the moment where it counts.

I know i shouldn't have invested so much time in Set 1 in the DF phase should have left and attempted other sets.

The whole playing this as a sport mentality is useful.

Night game I've found is perfect for identifying the major issues with an individual's game, just due to quantity and the environment lending itself to it.
I need to be aggressive and to fill out more holes in my knowledge
also had opportunities for more sets but didn't follow up, need to work on keeping the action muscle sharp (NG)

was also my first time really moving girls so thats a plus and a wake up call on how quick i can move.

Mid-game needs to be better, need to add some parts to it, pretty sure I have an overfocus on the deep dive, need to lead to SOTs for emotional contagion and setting frames (Def need to work on that last bit)
advice on sharpening SOT's would be highly valued, that travel subtopic helped escalate things with the set 1 incredibly quickly while the lack of SOT with set 2 took me out of the game.

I'll be back in action over the weekend anyway, am going to continue to sharpen what I've learned here.

Potentials/ to be implemented
Also even though my countries games work well (Don't fix what isn't broken) I gotta switch it up a little, don't like being a one trick pony...

- want to work on RPO implementation (Want my hooks to be even more consistent...)

-continued SOT implementation/ testing (for the midgame, need to break up my DD's with something else + emotional contagion)

- Pacing and leading implementation (may have implemented somewhere during set 1) (more conversational control, need to list and contrast as well)

- Implementing Sexual Prizing + gambits (need something to escalate the vibe and general arousal quickly, before the pull)

- switching up my cold reads a little bit (I've experimented with other things but counties seem to be aces...)

Note- Was written a few hours after the night finished, will edit mistakes later.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 6, 2016
Sat 19 November, Night Game, Club
Super late entry... have just been caught up with life and all, but kept a rough draft of the night...

will have to edit a bit later...

Was out for a natural friends birthday and this occured after our bar talk and catch up with our group

HB- RGlasses
opened through talking with an old friend from uni after I saw her in the club near the smoking area
said her name and took her a sec to Id that I wasn't some rando, so I talked to her for a bit and was introduced to HB and give the handclasp (compliance)
before her other friend came over to talk to her...
they had some drama so I used the opportunity to move next to her friend and talk...

usual country cold read
"where are you from, you have like the European look"
I get that a lot...
turns out she's Russian and blonde and has a... big personality
ask if she knows any Russian and see if she can teach
I use my countries game and she guesses when I'm from second try (hooked here)
dd into travel wishes on where she wants to go
keep on closing the distance and using the noise as an excuse to whisper (SECT)

say she can buy me a drink when her job comes up

innocence comes up (use this opportunity to enhance my eye contact and move closer) pretty sure somehow through her glasses,
say it's usually the girls who look innocent who aren't
she says I look innocent, like I wouldn't hurt anyone...
say it depends on who you ask
calls it an interesting answer
say I usually get the dangerous vibe

resistance from hell (wildcard)
fat friend comes in and cockblocks says she has to find her friend was pissed off that she was left earlier... doesn't trust me or anyone, says I have a sketchy vibe.
use this to prove my earlier frame the polarity!
get my friend from earlier to say I'm trustworthy then get HB to say the same (social frame)
still encounter resistance, something about a military family
connect a bit on the military part and somehow get to city nightlife am talking to this HB about the city and how I don't club much she relates and says she only heads out every so often
we talk about the city and fantasy...
mentioned this bar themed after a fantasy

fucked up my counter to friend
had the girl wanting to stay with me and telling her friend to find her friend by herself eventually she says I'll go with them to find the friend and get dragged along...
(potential for pull opportunity here, should have taken it...)

eventually we end up back at the spot we were talking at later, again get resistance

got whole untrustworthy gig again, have vague memory of offering my socials and workplace instead of pacing and leading like I should have.
pretty sure this lies under supplication ):

(not my greatest moment, but hey persistence...)

at this point the girl says she'll got with her after I made my promise to bring her there.

(should have held frame, she said she wanted to stay before)

think I ended up losing frame during this point but manage to beat out the resistance enough with her friend and get her to admit she likes me and to continue repeating it and that I should come to club X with them

think I probably lost frame was when i said, I would bring HB to club X later after we talked.

I don't go with them because I'm at this venue for a friend's celebration and the fact that club X is shit

HB and her friend leave for club x
HB says she'll just drink while her friend dances...
I say I can't come and says she wasn't expecting me to

before she leaves I say we should grab coffee sometime and grab the number, my digits, call from her phone routine
tell her I might swing by club X and to text me when she leaves or comes back here

she'll all smiles and all and later gets back to me at around 2 when she left
didn't get it till later cause phone was on silent.

HB- Cape, Two Set
knew the girl from years back but noticed a strong AI stare and I think she broke down...

game on

we (natural friend/ wing and other friend) end up sitting next them to engage this old guy, he isn't really the talking type.
so instead me and natural end up talking with the two set and get introduced
again handclasp on both (compliance)

use counties cold read again, full Aus, then get her to play countries game (hook)

while I'm hooking and she's leaned in a bit, my wing manages to swing behind her to talk with her friend

lots of whispers and leans, strong eye contact and push in close to keep the tension up, she keeps leaning in to hear what I say...

transitioning using SOT on travel and on to adventure and getting her to prove that she's this adventurous person...
keep on closing the distance

Wildcard (lights turn on)
and then the lights turn on... the mood changes instantly and she's out of the trance I have to move away my proximity.
I am out of my head as well, really throws me off so I make same mistakes as Set 1 on Thursday.

She hovers for a bit and my friend pushes me in, he knows I was going well (thinks my end game is all that is lacking)

due to being thrown off I don't really know where to start so I botch my move with HB, conversational leading stalls out, rerun some of the adventure topics instead of pushing forward and am in my head too much...

eventually I disengage after she showing signs of disinterest in convo and talk to rando next to me and her friend

what I should have done was hit on dancing friend but no, my wing had already distracted the other girl, dude basically talked me up the whole night, said he almost forgot to run game...
apparently the girl is a player, said I probs dodged a bullet, and gave me praise for confidence and all.

alas, more practice with this gig at least

and am planning to implement whispers a lot more as well, easy to get proximity and establish a secret vibe and utilise the voice fundamental better...
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 6, 2016
Sun 20 November, Daygame, Mall

the aftermath of the party, was pretty dead and ended up at another celebration during the day.
stayed over at my wing's...
then went down to the local mall for to get picked up and running off the momentum from the night before, figured more time to get practice in.

went to a store to talk with a friend and whilst doing so ended up talking to his hot coworker while he had to work a bit...

had a some other working HB walk near me and say something like sorry
and caught looks as a left the store after my talk with HB-Tea

didn't end up with an approach there unfortunately ):

the next one ended up more like experimental hook practice.

HB- Tea
was looking over a few times while I talked with my friend who works there, no time to number grab, she ended was preoccupied with a customer...

after catching her just standing and looking around dazed
life of a retail worker... don't blame her

situational are you bored opener
then followed up with a cold read her being new and that she graduated, small talk on what she wants after
dd what she wants to do (nursing) (mention that's the course with the pretty girls (inject light sexuality) )

I think she's hooked here but continue to apply tech before I leave

she asks about my course which I give a direct/ straight forward answer and mention the military as intrigue bait, then she asks more about it and says it's pretty smart/ cool
I tone it down and play it off
turn it into my new compliance game (guessing)
what she thinks my role is (hooks harder)
I get a call to leave and a customer comes up.
before I leave I ask my friend what her name is (project my voice a little) to leave my own show of interest for future reference.

Note to self
have to be somewhat cautious about this store, overhunting and all.
all ready been talked about among the retail workers...
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 6, 2016
27th of November, Coffee Date, Daygame

Will have to structure a proper report for this, and am currently in set for another date with this HB following the two date structure on the site.

wasn't too much action the week this took place and presently when this is written, so this one has been practice for now.

that girl from the club I ended up following up with will upload the texts in a bit and will have to adapt this report better in time...

scouted out the venue early and booked a table in person, place was pretty packed (fuck)
made small talk with the girl who I made the booking with, didn't know it was this busy etc
then I move to scope the surroundings for places to bounce and isolation locations.

didn't find too much, venue was close to the local mall, bounce locations were closed... should have planned this better was what was echoing through my head...

logistics weren't great on my end, I live out of town with no civilisation near it and my transport is ubers and public transport for the time being...

next best thing was a cafe in town close to hers, which was at least the estimate in my head.

HB RGlasses 2.0, Date 1

we met outside the store and I walk her in, think the girl who took my booking knew what was up and got us a table close to the window and a bit of privacy.
cheers wing girl.

it was lots of deep diving, this date went overtime (3 hours), cause I really enjoyed the conversation talked a lot about her hobbies and relied on travel as an SOT throughout this I sprinkled chase frames which she seemed to accept and she set some sexual frames as well, I qualified on her hobbies...
(I def lost my self here, was really engrossed in the convo)

(she also reflected some questions back, managed to get me talking a bit, used this to set more adventurous frames in myself...)

set lots of us vs the world frames, and future frames of us

lots of chase frames I set, she attempted to set one with the X movie she brought up, because I used that for frame setting a few times...

she asked how long I was around for should have escalated/ attempted to pull there ):

she set sexual frames by mentioning sexual topics, harem series and some X film 90 min

moved next to her in the cafe under the pretext of being hard to hear also let me whisper a bit

she brought up sexual things, missed a day game sex talk opportunity with the 90min X film but i mentioned us watching it together some time...

(was genuinely curious about wtf they would do 90 minutes..., then had a epiphany mid conversation)

at least I verbalised it a bit, I mean what are they going to do for the next 90 minutes, kiss down the neck...

(cue me realising there is a family with like 2, 6-8 year old kids next to us)

(also cue me presently being like wtf Lucky, whispering was an option...)

(potenial issue I may have is I may have set a boyfriend frame with all the future projections I set, teaching me her hobbies some other time, making me stuff, watching a porno together...
you know the typical couples stuff...)

at some point I realised I was low on time and since I told her she brought it up, then I was like fuck I have to hustle like now.

lay opportunity is gone so I have to establish an option now

the second we left the cafe after I got the bill, opened the door for her then I compliance tested a ton, remembered a bit for JJs article.

got my arm around her waist then and pulled her closer

then moved my hand towards her hand and interlocked hands and walked down the street with her (cheers Hector)

then got her to spin compliance, she was like what and I was like cause it feels like one of those moments.
get the spin

on the way to walking her to her car

then I start setting an us against the world frame, role play set up us being criminals and she brings up Bonnie and Clyde

end up talking about discretion after I make a joke about showing off as well, so use that to attempt to set a sexual + chase frame via a story...

kept that up as we walked her to her car in some sketch car park, had to walk through an interesting alley way

(honestly was considering escalation there...)

(made my decision on my move as we walked through the alley, lay is off the table due to my time constraint, but we need to set milestones.)

then we reached her car, kinda knew it was where I would have to leave my mark.
it starts to lightly shower

I admitted I was thinking of something to say when we reached the car
something else suave to say?
is that how I come off?
she said I gave off a very chill vibe earlier at the cafe and she doubled down on it then at the car mentioning when I met her initially when the friend came in...
said something about it being smooth
said I wanted to see what would happen

then she asked something among the lines if the date went well or something

gave the hmmmm

then she got fake offended/ pissed (I think...)

then I just went for it

(had some pretty strong eye contact throughout as well, can say this is a positive for the whole thing.)

(unconscious push and pull here, am proud I've somewhat engrained this in my personality...)

was already somewhat close, so closed the distance and stopped a little bit away kind of expected her to kinda follow up a bit, think she moved in a bit.
then I went all in.

got kiss, pulled away first (I think 5 seconds, didn't want to make the mistake to sticking around too long)

was somewhat in my head, said something like good?
(not sure if lips were too dry or anything so of course that was on my mind...)

then she was like more

and I got pulled back in (fuck) (I think 3 kisses)
(so much for the whole leave her wanting more)
(no clue if I ended them all)

kept it soft, no tongue, didn't want to reach point of no return.

wanted to somewhat attempt to cement the emotions here and ensure a solid ending of the date.
feel like if I didn't do something strong at the end, a second wouldn't have been an option, even if she was super into me

she suggested something about seeing each other again

I had some hesitation here, that was my first and it got me in my head a little bit

said I'd be in touch... drive safe

as one can see from this quickly drafted report, I should have pulled way sooner, she set sexual frames with a porno, sexual series, and a few other things

other escalation windows include, her saying how long she could stick around, mentioning other dudes looking at her... big personality among other things

I mean I was super into the convo, but like I have to be playing for the win here, can always talk after the lay about all this cool stuff...

her house was close, and the mall has plenty of changing rooms...

Bright side, first kiss was obtained and guess I did something right because I got dragged back in.

Have established a second date, text game def needs work, have a good friend assisting on texts due to me being currently preoccupied on personals.

will see if I should be good after not my greatest ping.

PS these reports were rushed, will have to implement proper editing soonish.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 6, 2016
Am back from hiatus from this journal (I think...)

for future reference going to using this more to set goals/ ambitions, ID where I'm lacking, observations etc, if I feel the need to move them from my secured notes stored elsewhere, as perspective from others helps at times.

Probs going to move the more important FR's to the actual board there for future and leave a link here to track progression, to ensure that they get seen and I can get more advice consistently, in response to that I'll have to format these reports better for the future as well.

Won't be too active on this as I originally planned, as writing everything down takes a bit longer than I expected but I'll be occasionally around.

The quick update on me
Been more focused on myself, personal things came up and it threw me off a bit, so I spent a while grounding myself and focusing on life stuff, need to sort out my logistics better and how I get transport in and out since I'm no city kid, so been working on getting my licence and eventually a car, along with my continuing part time work and all

Also in my little hiatus been working on new hobbies so I've got something else to work on and hone which I can enjoy besides this.

Surfing/ swimming has been great since I live pretty close to the beach so I might as well put it to use, the beach is a nice venue to meet people plus it's pretty fun, surfing and swimming switches it up from the standard workouts, been getting trained by a good friend.

Started reading books more so like I used to, some good psychology, business and purpose recommendations off here, and I'm planning to get back to reading fantasy and other things a lot more.

also workouts I've fallen a bit behind on so back to the calisthenics grind
Convict Conditioning method, aiming for 4 sessions (2 types CC1 and CC2) a week mixed with basic martial arts on the heavy bag (1 to 2 times a week) and the dumbbells and machine program (DBM) (2 sessions a week) I have in place currently this mixed with the beach (usually once a week) should keep me pretty fit and keep that aspect of my fundamentals sharpened.

CC1 (2 sets each)
Push ups- Uneven 30, Close 25 to 30 reps
Squats- 30, 25
Handstand Push-up step 4 (halfway) ideally 12 as our mark for each set

CC2 (2 sets each)
Leg raises- step 4 slightly bent, 30 reps
Pull ups- step 6 +7, Uneven (rocky) 15, close, 15 (need to get back to 20 as our mark)
Bridges, straight, 30 reps

DBM (2 sets)
15kg weight not including bar (have to check posture though...)

20 vertical, 20 bicep curls

Machine at 4 weights (16 kg)
arm exercises 2 sets of 10

this is run from my home, which should mean no excuses, ideally will attempt to run through them in the morning.
should also reimplement cold showers, to keep testosterone pumping and keep my discipline and mindset up.

occasionally these will be replaced with my beach activities which is full body workout (surfing)

Updates on my path as a seducer
mistakes were made, old lessons were relearned (moving fast and not being the early bf) and I discovered in person what LMR was the hard way and what the whole failed escalation gig entails,

Part of it I blame on the fact that I focused on my personals and let it bleed into this.
But that's life, gotta be able to take the punches and keep moving no matter how tough the situation is.

You've always got control on how you react to any situation, it also comes down to your internal frame control/ your perception on any given situation.

so in response to those lessons, I've have read up a ton of preventing resistance from occurring and how to deal if it happens again, along with how to run escalation and isolate properly, current logistics make things pretty hard for pull to mine so having more focus on public logistics (fucked this up) and seeding for hers is also part of the repertoire. (plus having a ride will make this so much easier + portable logistics)

this was all from the HB above, which I'm currently assuming is a closed book, I got a decent idea of where I've gone wrong (have a untrained wing who's good for perspective) and will keep the reports for potential to upload, otherwise I'll keep on updating with what's new with me as I continue this journey

wasn't too blinded by the situation through and kept approaching a bit but I need to refine my intent to what it used to be in terms of closing

in addition I've being slowly introducing my younger brother (first year in HS) to the fundamental concepts off this site to have him prepared for his own journey, and sharpen concepts myself (teaching others is a good way to embed them) been introducing him to some of the role models we use in seduction spotlight as well, it also helps that their decent movies plus just older films.

(Didn't realise Cruel intentions has the maddona whore thing in there as well...)

Cross game Intentions

Ideally will have a daygame focus, ran my first street approach not to long ago while walking to the mall, and there's a lot of potential there, just need to hone it more, getting used to approaching in all situations
have gone over Bacchus's meet smooth series for this.

for night, I feel like heading to city serves my purposes better, is a small town here (feels like you run into someone you know everytime) and opportunities seem much more varied up there, only issue is logistics up and back, so am also dedicating time to hunting for closer venues, already have some leads.

although my focus is on the day (because DG is awesome), my schedule doesn't fully allow for that, so cross gaming, preferably stag or maybe with a wing up in the city will be my go to for rapid improvement.

General Points in Seduction which need work

The ABC's - Always be closing, got lazy with this lately, if you don't even try, you've already lost in a cold approach, always better off seeding a meet and number grabbing or attempting instadate
(has been noted after not enough of a push on hired guns lately)


S- Needs a little bit of work, can sharpen my voice depth like I've practiced and slow it more

T- should increase it more than a handclasp which I've made standard procedure, just keep it consistent and increasing as long as it's calibrated

E is solid and is enhanced by the containment/ envisioned intent and C I always make a habit to have good proximity

Need more field work to ID alternate issues, probs more I picked up in my secure notes.

Tech with a focus

Cold Read

Been using this as an open for a while but improving upon it with the ability to set traits better and listing characteristics to make it feel more real and set positive frames...
have to refer back to Glows post on it

SOTs and Framing
been experimenting a bit with this more was using a weaker variation of this one here before

Captain Jack adventure frame

"You know(while still holding hand)... I just got here and I've noticed that everyone in this place... is just sticking together with the same people they came here with"
place hand on shoulder. talking in her ear "Like... I really don't get it... I feel like we all come here with the same goal in mind... meet new people and have new experiences, but then so many people just talk to the same people they've known for years" /adventure frame
just need to work on drawing them in more to SOTs and frame setting with things like the chemistry and other gambits gambit and talking about adventure and how you should live life to the fullest...

easy to cover and draw in by changing my wording a bit to make it unique, and slowing and deepening my voice which was discussed above.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 6, 2016
And I'm reporting in again...

The quick update on me

Guess who's got his drivers license first try...
thats a milestone achieved and should make this whole game thing a metric fuck ton easier, you know once I have a car
so honestly still a bit to go to go there but we're processing regardless, with that said it's freed up my ability to focus on other things I need to get handled so next up is financial stuff.

As I'm out of HS and in the real world, once i get that shit handled I can focus on moving out and having even better logistics and besides that money frees you, gives you the ability to do whatever you want, so with travel and just freedom in general on my mind this is the next focus point.

Been looking more at sales as my pathway because I tend to love just socialising in general (hint i blame finding this site super early for this a bit :) ) and have been running through an RE agent's course for a bit online, so getting that handled soon as possible is priority so i can actively move in to that line of work, have a position lined up...

plus all the advice taught here transfers over pretty well, so i guess i could call studying this stuff like correlating homework...
but for real looking forward to getting more freedom here.

Also something random, I occasionally swing by the movie recommendations here in order to keep on getting my little bro to see positive role models and just in general for decent movies, what can i say... most of you guys got decent taste and I like the older stuff compared to most of the new movies.
So i watched the Count of Monte Christo with him, we both loved it, have an understanding of why Chase loves it
also if anyone else reads this

The New Puss In Boots is awesome, don't care if your an adult, that shit beats most of the new movies which has come out lately, watch it and find out for yourself.

Hobbies Update (Workouts, Surf, Reading) (If you feel like other self development stuff...)

I've been pretty sloppy, am getting back into it for real since a few days ago, was caught up with the license test i guess.
so before i went out to the night game outing I'll link below i did run some tests on my physical ability based off the what i used to be able to pull off, turns out my pull ups need work again, can maybe do 12 close 2 sets and i did mix in some uneven pull ups but struggled a bit there, close push ups are fine though.
what weird was my arms being sore for 2 days afterwards, so def need to fix myself up more in this department, get my physical fundamentals handled so i'm healthier in general and able to tank whatever the world throws at me, and that enhanced game doesn't hurt either.

I went into very annoying waters on sat, apparently even experienced surfers suck in this surf
hence my teacher/ good struggling today, as for me I experienced my real first wipe out on a short board (second time using one) followed by a second and third after i just got back to the surface, lessons were learned today...

was a bit of an adrenaline rush and took me a second to regain my composure and reconsider how this whole surfing thing works...
but it's good to experience the tough situations as it trains you up and preps you for whatever is to come, now when the waves are calmer i should be fine just like with everything else, just gotta keep on getting back up :)

Have been reading books more on game, with Hector's texting book and college series, need to get back to reading Influence (need to prep for sales work more) and more just straight up fantasy stuff.

My Path as a Seducer
I'm still making mistakes but I'm back hunting again, still need to get drive back to do it consistently but i did game in the past few days
got some focus points zero in on and a few more fun stories, the good thing about seduction is that it's opened up a whole new world of opportunities for just fun stories just socially as well.
it's amazing what the skills taught here can lead to.

I've also been charged with training my younger to be more social, so am currently debating whether to introduce him to the community this early (new teen) instead of just giving small aspects for him to work on...
for now I'll just continue to train him on fundamentals and see if i can work on teaching him how to play the social game better (law of least effort etc), am just cautious of overwhelming him with all the stuff here, like how i was back when i first found this place incredibly young, don't want him overthinking everything to oblivion while taking fuck all action...

As for myself, my journey continues, still feels like I'm learning plenty of lessons but if you keep on shooting like what happened before you start to pick up some wins, its a game of asymmetric returns and when we win, we win big besides either way we get a fun story.

Recent Events...

FR- Returning (first FR after HB-RGlasses with a close...)
Was an attempting a quick number grab, no success but getting that momentum back, when I can, also need to get that other HB off my mind as soon as possible, this is how.

University Club Day (FR doesn't make it to the field reports...)
this one doesn't need a hyper link as there ain't too much to say on this one there were a few sets i approached but it was more social circle things at the start

I ran into a stunning old female friend (she opened me, got recognised by my classic outfit...)
I hadn't seen in ages and ended up around her group for most of the day was good to just catch up + good preselection
so i kept it indirect (as 2 other girls i hadn't met showed) and chill for the most part, was a group 24/7 which kept the dynamic off a bit and for the most part i was around to catch up with old friends and get free stuff.

did run through some some DD's and attempt some sexual frames on reading (whenever i hear a chick likes to read, i always bring up 50 shades of grey...) though totally missed an SOT on romance (remember emotional contagion) after this chick brought up how she reads romance then was asking what i read...

Also ran into some chick I drove into auto-rejection before who i did attempt to bring back before i called it quits and went off on more adventures, didn't realise she was there because i saw a friend and didn't realise the two other people he was talking to (ie her and i assume her orbiter still) they kinda ran away after i noticed them and gave em the nod.
oh well... formalities.

just went back to to the group i was with and guess i got preselection after she saw me hanging around my old friend, got a text from her later.
but I wasn't too interested not after everything else with progression here and everything I just know I can do better with quality, so i just kept things cordial, I'm not there yet with everything I'm learning but I want to pursue chicks I'm into and this one just feels like business i finished a while ago.

Went to a sports thing afterwards and did more game oriented stuff there, hang out with this group of people i met there and ended up at a girl's dorm for a bit after i managed to get our group to move there (Implied pull to theirs practice?) so i decided to mess around with Sexual Prizing and Gambits for a bit with a Bisexual (not really into her but see potenial as wing, could go either way) did attempt 8 orgasms but she knew which made me go like well so much for practice there...

then i talked club dynamics, the whole maddona whore thing, kinks, funny sex stories.
was fun, is cool to see other perspectives on this stuff, Alek was right when he said it's an interesting topic, especially because it's perceived as taboo.

FR- Uni Costume Party
This will cover parts not included in offical report.

After getting my license i had to celebrate somehow...
lots of missed opportunities here but a it's a swift way on getting diagnostics on my game right now, I would debate i was not at my best due to lack of sleep but that's a bitch excuse, train for all situations.
Also my half mask should have kept me pretty low profile.

Had a 2 set before the party i can update in a bit, used it to get that social momentum nothing too special though, just intrigue baits to practice hook, need to work more on jumping on using chase frames again...

Also attempted contrasting (was attempting to pace but my brain went haywire) on another chick who wasn't super compliant using dress making said something like

So what is it you like about dress making? is it how it making something you've imagined/ dreamt of and turning it into something into the physical world or is it just the aspect of making the dress in your mind choosing the right materials and colours...?

was totally thinking of words to use to try and pace so the reality is probably a lot less smooth...
So this definitely needs work but every time I've experimented with this I've always been somewhat satisfied with the results and how it presents hook opportunities and more

but I want to work wit into this sort of style more that's my only issue... but it usually doesn't work so we'll see, I've read Lofty's journal entry on it, and dropping the wit seems to be the best way to work it...

Focus Points

Conversational Leading/ SOT
As detailed in our last report (Uni Costume Party) we fell apart a ton here, so referring back to some of Chase's, Bacchus's and Alek's posts on this, once we actually focus on this and get it down, setting the right frames through moving into SOT's and getting our marks talking about how they feel about this and that + learning open loops for intrigue.

Chase Frames
Now this is used unconsciously sometimes, but i want to make it more common, sometimes it's just the basics you need to go back to and this is meant to be one of our silver bullets, perfect for making things man to woman.

As Chase said in one of his articles on this it's best to imagine yourself as a latin lover when it comes down to persisting, right now I am definitely not a latin lover, i let people go off too easily, instead of reframing the situation when it counts and using the objection to sell the HB on myself more, need to consciously train myself to persist to the bitter end in this.

+ i have to remember convincing them to stay or head off with me should increase attraction, so by not persisting I'm losing out on those extra points which could push the tide in my favor. (good way to reframe my mental objections on not persisting.)

PS- Will be editing this later, cause it's late, expect changes to Uni costume party and corrections all around cause am currently dead, need to add the 2 set starting approach, pretty sure its pretty basic though so we'll see.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
Also attempted contrasting (was attempting to pace but my brain went haywire) on another chick who wasn't super compliant using dress making said something like

So what is it you like about dress making? is it how it making something you've imagined/ dreamt of and turning it into something into the physical world or is it just the aspect of making the dress in your mind choosing the right materials and colours...?

was totally thinking of words to use to try and pace so the reality is probably a lot less smooth...
So this definitely needs work but every time I've experimented with this I've always been somewhat satisfied with the results and how it presents hook opportunities and more

but I want to work wit into this sort of style more that's my only issue... but it usually doesn't work so we'll see, I've read Lofty's journal entry on it, and dropping the wit seems to be the best way to work it...

Not totally sure what you mean here, but here’s what I’d say to it:

Ideally you shouldn’t “want” to attach the identity of yourself to anything, maybe other than "I am able to create new identities for myself."

It’s like Bruce Lee shit, “be water.” Rather, it’s better to NOT try and mold yourself into any sort of static identity, style, or whatnot, so you can have dynamism between different forms of yourself as you learn, experience, and evolve.

Game-wise, what this is saying is that you want to develop a real tact on perceiving where she’s at and what she needs to take her from stranger to sex, and have a complete openness to take on new forms of yourself to address it.

Every girl and context will have its nuances, so really the optimal thinking there is like “I am who I need to be in this exact moment with this exact girl in this exact context” more so than anything else. Focusing totally and completely on her – not really like “I want to be seducer guy who does XYZ.”

This is also why understanding and getting experience wiith influence is really important. By developing a deep grasp of these widely useful tools and understandings, such as Gunwitch’s 3 Keys, we can perceive where she’s at AND address it to work her in the direction we want her to go. And yeah, influence skills are also translatable to life at large like you said you were noticing.

Conversation management isn’t really something that “doesn’t work.” If someone doesn’t get laid, it’s not a fault of the overall concept of “it’s helpful to converse well.” That stance some may have is a bit silly.

When we break it down with more resolution, which is where we want to live at in order to have the most clarity, we’ll see that there are a whole bunch of things we can learn to manage our conversations – and our ability to influence others – the best that we can.

There’s no magic wand, but there IS an agency we have as humans to influence the frames of the interaction and the states of others.

With this scope, we can see the bigger picture. I know it isn't exactly what you were meaning, but to emphasize on this point, it’s not a direct cause-and-effect between one attempt at an influence tech and “I didn’t get laid, so it doesn’t work.”

And unfortunately, some guys limit themselves like that and really miss out. They throw up their hands and are like, “Well I called her open minded and spontaneous one time, but she didn’t immediately start removing her clothes and sucking my cock. That shit doesn’t work, it’s all a lie!

Again I know you didn't mean it in that way and that was just to illustrate how crazy that kind of thing is.

Instead, the bigger picture is that a human interaction (and the result of that interaction) have an immense amount of factors. When someone tries to work verbal influence, and when people are interacting in general, there’s so many things going on including:
  • What the context of the interaction is – is your social frame in place? What’s the stage of the interaction? Did they open her like a social terrorist or meet smooth in a calibrated way that doesn’t betray her basic social intelligence? Did that set conducive approach narratives? Has she calibratedly been hooked? Immersed? Liminal even, where she’s very impressionable?

  • How it’s done – is the individual applying types of influence tech in appropriate ways at appropriate times? Are they working to grasp how to apply them well, are they working and building off how her state responds to it? Are they “running actions machine-gun-style not connecting” or being more efficacious with it? Are they focusing exactly on her and working off what she needs? Are they persisting with calibration?

  • Where she’s at – what are the frames of the interaction and what is her state like? How has she responded to these frames in her respective states? Is where she's at being used a compass for what happens next, to give her what she needs, and to take her where we want her to go? Is her mind being routed in ways optimal to the lay? Is the seducer grasping concepts like mirror neurons and transition phases? Are they exploiting the way she sees herself and how she wants to be seen?

  • Lots else
Seducing isn’t just one thing. Verbals aren’t one thing. Influence isn’t one thing.

It’s a comprehensive thing where you learn and develop highly variable tools/skills to apply in extremely individualized contexts. Where a whole bunch of factors you can manipulate work together in harmony for you to get the lay – controlling frames and driving her state with influence.

Also attempted contrasting (was attempting to pace but my brain went haywire) on another chick who wasn't super compliant using dress making said something like

So what is it you like about dress making? is it how it making something you've imagined/ dreamt of and turning it into something into the physical world or is it just the aspect of making the dress in your mind choosing the right materials and colours...?

was totally thinking of words to use to try and pace so the reality is probably a lot less smooth...
So this definitely needs work but every time I've experimented with this I've always been somewhat satisfied with the results and how it presents hook opportunities and more

but I want to work wit into this sort of style more that's my only issue... but it usually doesn't work so we'll see, I've read Lofty's journal entry on it, and dropping the wit seems to be the best way to work it...

Take this again for example... it's not like this one attempt decided the whole interaction in a binary fashion. There's a whole bunch of things involved here with all the factors mentioned earlier in mind. In addition, naturally practicing these skills and learning how to best apply them is very important too - of course this will also impact levels of effectiveness. Nicely done to try it out as well!

And yep, I’d recommend you keep working on pacing/leading and contrasting. Though at the same time, It's important to note that it's not about being Richard Bandler out there. It's a common misrepresentation of overall verbal game - while good verbals may indeed integrate degrees of NLP, those are just some of the tools you can call upon to address what she needs and how she needs it. The framing and application of it is still vital.

That's the idea rather than to just froth NLP without seductive purposefulness, like a Toyota commercial or greasy marketing professor might.

Gunwitch explains this in SMMA also. Learn what you need to get the most results, and then you can expand on it from there once your experience grows and you will know how to maximize its usefulness.

But yeah, those are are good tools to elicit like you’re doing, but when the term contrasting is used, it’s more typically in the form of contrasting against something undesirable, such as creepy guys, closed-mindedness, or whatever, with a perspective that sets conducive frames and in effect prizes yourself/your perspectives.

The second sentence of your question has some good thought behind it, though it’s not quite to the point of pacing/leading or contrasting in the ideal seduction sense – not that the labels themselves are that important.

Though when you elicit like “What do you really like about X,” the advantage of building in that following sentence ("is it how it making something...") is that it can really function as a social-frame builder which we want to communicate “I get you in a way no one else does. I understand you and the way you move through the world.” This kind of thing can pace her views, set and lead the frames conducive to the seduction, and guide the conversation into optimal directions - SOTs, etc.

So here we go and to wrap things up, imagine the potential of expanding this one tech outside of a vacuum and looking at how the topic of dressmaking might have been routed in a direction very conducive to seduction. This is an exercise for illustration of these points, and I'll stress that you always want to be working off her as you route a conversation, but for these purposes, here's one example of where that good topic potentially might have been taken with verbals (with pacing, eliciting, focusing on her, etc all along the way):

> What she likes about dress-making (a great topic)
> Creativity, freedom of expression, and transforming ideas/fantasies into realities
> How amazing it is that she is so creative/open-minded and how she isn’t afraid to allow herself to live her own life to the fullest + express herself in the midst of a society that especially tries to judges and stereotype women into convenient little boxes when each person is so much more than that
> How you hate how unfair it is for women creators in this type of world – a world that far too often sexually objectifies women for their looks instead of appreciating them for their unique talents and who they really are
> How you also remember reading a story about a female streetwear designer who kept being oversexualized by the industry (a true shame and reminiscent of the sad way most men see women) but then started her own business to great success, and how wonderful it was that she finally broke free from the chains of society
> But sadly you understand that it’s not just in the corporate world where women are unfairly oversexualized, as they are also in everyday life by so many men. Your female friends unfortunately face it all the time and you try to help them through it when they want to talk things through with someone, or even when you go out with them and they're groped on by some creep at a bar. It's a true shame that so many guys are like this, and it is your personal belief that human connection is about so much more than groping and looking at women like pieces of meat
> Women truly deserve more than that and to be seen as unique individuals, such as an amazing dressmaker, not be groped on and objectified
> It also reminds you of how you believe that society’s view on sex is unfair for women anyway, trying to objectify and repress them, when they should feel allowed to just do what makes them happy without the fear of judgement from jerks and online avatars
> Continue building in sexual frames, pacing her, setting Us vs. Them frames, escalating the vibe, fractionating, etc.

And of course it all should be worked off of her as you guide the conversation, and that is just one of many, many ways the dressmaking topic could have been potentially used. The point of that was, again, to show that you had a really powerful moment in your hand that was larger beyond one tech usage, and viewing it from the angles discussed in this post may help you accelerate the development of the skills you're working on.

So keep on refining each understanding and tech, field-testing, working it like a sport, and so forth. And along with that, remember to analyze things in the full context of the interaction as you level up a whole bunch of skills within yourself. In time you’ll be in awesome shape with the kinds of women you like and beyond.

It's very clear you’re a highly intelligent and driven guy, and I have no doubt you’ll build the type of life you want for yourself. Congrats on the license, hope this helps, and here’s to many more successes for you!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 6, 2016
Not totally sure what you mean here, but here’s what I’d say to it:

Ideally you shouldn’t “want” to attach the identity of yourself to anything, maybe other than "I am able to create new identities for myself."

It’s like Bruce Lee shit, “be water.” Rather, it’s better to NOT try and mold yourself into any sort of static identity, style, or whatnot, so you can have dynamism between different forms of yourself as you learn, experience, and evolve.

Game-wise, what this is saying is that you want to develop a real tact on perceiving where she’s at and what she needs to take her from stranger to sex, and have a complete openness to take on new forms of yourself to address it.

Every girl and context will have its nuances, so really the optimal thinking there is like “I am who I need to be in this exact moment with this exact girl in this exact context” more so than anything else. Focusing totally and completely on her – not really like “I want to be seducer guy who does XYZ.”

This is also why understanding and getting experience wiith influence is really important. By developing a deep grasp of these widely useful tools and understandings, such as Gunwitch’s 3 Keys, we can perceive where she’s at AND address it to work her in the direction we want her to go. And yeah, influence skills are also translatable to life at large like you said you were noticing.

Conversation management isn’t really something that “doesn’t work.” If someone doesn’t get laid, it’s not a fault of the overall concept of “it’s helpful to converse well.” That stance some may have is a bit silly.

When we break it down with more resolution, which is where we want to live at in order to have the most clarity, we’ll see that there are a whole bunch of things we can learn to manage our conversations – and our ability to influence others – the best that we can.

There’s no magic wand, but there IS an agency we have as humans to influence the frames of the interaction and the states of others.

With this scope, we can see the bigger picture. I know it isn't exactly what you were meaning, but to emphasize on this point, it’s not a direct cause-and-effect between one attempt at an influence tech and “I didn’t get laid, so it doesn’t work.”

And unfortunately, some guys limit themselves like that and really miss out. They throw up their hands and are like, “Well I called her open minded and spontaneous one time, but she didn’t immediately start removing her clothes and sucking my cock. That shit doesn’t work, it’s all a lie!

Again I know you didn't mean it in that way and that was just to illustrate how crazy that kind of thing is.

Instead, the bigger picture is that a human interaction (and the result of that interaction) have an immense amount of factors. When someone tries to work verbal influence, and when people are interacting in general, there’s so many things going on including:
  • What the context of the interaction is – is your social frame in place? What’s the stage of the interaction? Did they open her like a social terrorist or meet smooth in a calibrated way that doesn’t betray her basic social intelligence? Did that set conducive approach narratives? Has she calibratedly been hooked? Immersed? Liminal even, where she’s very impressionable?

  • How it’s done – is the individual applying types of influence tech in appropriate ways at appropriate times? Are they working to grasp how to apply them well, are they working and building off how her state responds to it? Are they “running actions machine-gun-style not connecting” or being more efficacious with it? Are they focusing exactly on her and working off what she needs? Are they persisting with calibration?

  • Where she’s at – what are the frames of the interaction and what is her state like? How has she responded to these frames in her respective states? Is where she's at being used a compass for what happens next, to give her what she needs, and to take her where we want her to go? Is her mind being routed in ways optimal to the lay? Is the seducer grasping concepts like mirror neurons and transition phases? Are they exploiting the way she sees herself and how she wants to be seen?

  • Lots else
Seducing isn’t just one thing. Verbals aren’t one thing. Influence isn’t one thing.

It’s a comprehensive thing where you learn and develop highly variable tools/skills to apply in extremely individualized contexts. Where a whole bunch of factors you can manipulate work together in harmony for you to get the lay – controlling frames and driving her state with influence.

Take this again for example... it's not like this one attempt decided the whole interaction in a binary fashion. There's a whole bunch of things involved here with all the factors mentioned earlier in mind. In addition, naturally practicing these skills and learning how to best apply them is very important too - of course this will also impact levels of effectiveness. Nicely done to try it out as well!

And yep, I’d recommend you keep working on pacing/leading and contrasting. Though at the same time, It's important to note that it's not about being Richard Bandler out there. It's a common misrepresentation of overall verbal game - while good verbals may indeed integrate degrees of NLP, those are just some of the tools you can call upon to address what she needs and how she needs it. The framing and application of it is still vital.

That's the idea rather than to just froth NLP without seductive purposefulness, like a Toyota commercial or greasy marketing professor might.

Gunwitch explains this in SMMA also. Learn what you need to get the most results, and then you can expand on it from there once your experience grows and you will know how to maximize its usefulness.

But yeah, those are are good tools to elicit like you’re doing, but when the term contrasting is used, it’s more typically in the form of contrasting against something undesirable, such as creepy guys, closed-mindedness, or whatever, with a perspective that sets conducive frames and in effect prizes yourself/your perspectives.

The second sentence of your question has some good thought behind it, though it’s not quite to the point of pacing/leading or contrasting in the ideal seduction sense – not that the labels themselves are that important.

Though when you elicit like “What do you really like about X,” the advantage of building in that following sentence ("is it how it making something...") is that it can really function as a social-frame builder which we want to communicate “I get you in a way no one else does. I understand you and the way you move through the world.” This kind of thing can pace her views, set and lead the frames conducive to the seduction, and guide the conversation into optimal directions - SOTs, etc.

So here we go and to wrap things up, imagine the potential of expanding this one tech outside of a vacuum and looking at how the topic of dressmaking might have been routed in a direction very conducive to seduction. This is an exercise for illustration of these points, and I'll stress that you always want to be working off her as you route a conversation, but for these purposes, here's one example of where that good topic potentially might have been taken with verbals (with pacing, eliciting, focusing on her, etc all along the way):

> What she likes about dress-making (a great topic)
> Creativity, freedom of expression, and transforming ideas/fantasies into realities
> How amazing it is that she is so creative/open-minded and how she isn’t afraid to allow herself to live her own life to the fullest + express herself in the midst of a society that especially tries to judges and stereotype women into convenient little boxes when each person is so much more than that
> How you hate how unfair it is for women creators in this type of world – a world that far too often sexually objectifies women for their looks instead of appreciating them for their unique talents and who they really are
> How you also remember reading a story about a female streetwear designer who kept being oversexualized by the industry (a true shame and reminiscent of the sad way most men see women) but then started her own business to great success, and how wonderful it was that she finally broke free from the chains of society
> But sadly you understand that it’s not just in the corporate world where women are unfairly oversexualized, as they are also in everyday life by so many men. Your female friends unfortunately face it all the time and you try to help them through it when they want to talk things through with someone, or even when you go out with them and they're groped on by some creep at a bar. It's a true shame that so many guys are like this, and it is your personal belief that human connection is about so much more than groping and looking at women like pieces of meat
> Women truly deserve more than that and to be seen as unique individuals, such as an amazing dressmaker, not be groped on and objectified
> It also reminds you of how you believe that society’s view on sex is unfair for women anyway, trying to objectify and repress them, when they should feel allowed to just do what makes them happy without the fear of judgement from jerks and online avatars
> Continue building in sexual frames, pacing her, setting Us vs. Them frames, escalating the vibe, fractionating, etc.

And of course it all should be worked off of her as you guide the conversation, and that is just one of many, many ways the dressmaking topic could have been potentially used. The point of that was, again, to show that you had a really powerful moment in your hand that was larger beyond one tech usage, and viewing it from the angles discussed in this post may help you accelerate the development of the skills you're working on.

So keep on refining each understanding and tech, field-testing, working it like a sport, and so forth. And along with that, remember to analyze things in the full context of the interaction as you level up a whole bunch of skills within yourself. In time you’ll be in awesome shape with the kinds of women you like and beyond.

It's very clear you’re a highly intelligent and driven guy, and I have no doubt you’ll build the type of life you want for yourself. Congrats on the license, hope this helps, and here’s to many more successes for you!
Cheers Lofty for the inspiring words, means a ton!

And your journal in itself has massively contributed to my own journey here, especially when I started leaning more towards indirect over direct.
I'm sure many others would say the same

I needed the reminder, seduction relates more to Bruce Lee's be like water statement.
be adaptable, to whatever the situation requires.

I'll work more on getting this influence style of game down, just gotta revise over it all RPOs, SOTS, Pace n leads, leading & contrasting etc
one thing at time though...
(Everything you've linked is awesome for this!)

then implement it tactically/ with calibration...
have to lead this stuff more towards traits conductive for a seduction instead of just whatever comes to mind, move things with a purpose/ intent

I remember Devillious had a guide on RPO creation which mainly used open and adventurous as key words to elicit this type of stuff
and I've got my notes left over from his guide on making these...

+ there's always SECT and other fundamentals which can be improved on as well, while keeping the 3 keys in mind.

Just about revising over this stuff and getting out into the field


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 6, 2016
Reporting in...

The quick update on me...

Am still figuring things out as one may expect, still progressing through my course whist through my part time gig, not too much has been going down, still need to acquire transport, I've been focused on other things...

but that is high priority, due to where i live, getting to town is only possible through a car, there's no PT or otherwise to get there, so until that's acquired my logistics are still very much limited, so next major steps not just for seduction but my life in general

Acquiring my car, this is a life thing as mentioned above, needed for work and personals otherwise I'm reliant on others still for ways into town.

Finishing this Sales Course ASAP- Need licensing before i can start work in this industry, so completing this a necessary step furthermore after completing this, potentially continuing on to the next course up also has some value as the ability to operate independently is valued highly as well with being able to sign off on curtain things etc.
First things first will be finishing this current course.

Then i can focus on

Finding leads on RE work- Apparently there's a lack of property managers in town... would be a decent place to start before transitioning in proper agent work, get the experience there then jump up a level or two...
which leads to having myself established financially, which means eventually being to move out and start to focus on major life goals.

feels good to somewhat have a rough plan, will work on the details in time, for now these goals count for something.


the training continues once a week, have figured out how to mitigate the intensity of the whole wipeout thing... your board is your best friend

Also have found out to avoid it you have to attempt stand up regardless or you lose and wipeout anyway, so i guess i got that extra motivation to figure this whole thing out, been looking at the tricks you can do, because my teacher is obsessed with this as a hobby and is eager to get me on the boat.

and some of the stuff just looks awesome... can't wait to pick it up

+ I'm becoming a much better swimmer/ perfect full body workout in disguise!


This was just super inconsistent, so since my last entry I fixed it up a little, since I'm not able to get field experience as much as I'd like i started working on my body fundamentals more as one can never improve on the basics enough.

In order to do this...

I dropped the weights program entirely (felt like it took too much time (think it's just my personal perception maybe i'm bored while i do it?)

And doubled down on calisthenics and in only a few days of working out (4 a week not including surfing) I've already seen results getting compliments and actually seeing changes (was not betting on this so soon) so I'm stoked, getting than lean physique would be sick.

have also bought some wooden gymnastics rings to commit more to this and perform harder exercises and build the whole shoulder stability thing...
also found this dope YT channel for training via these rings, so I'm looking forward to it

i perform the workouts in the morning before i do anything out of my room

Workout 1

2 sets of 30 close push ups, 1 set of 10 uneven pushups (both sides)

3 sets of handstand push ups, 12, 12-11, 10-12

2 sets of squats, 25 (need to check posture and ensure their not half squats)

Workout 2

2 sets of close pull ups, 12 or more, 1 set of standard or wide pull ups 10 to 12 (Want to work more on the V taper) (This should work on lats...)

2 sets of leg raises, 25 to 27 , 1 set of hanging knee raises, 10

2 sets of bridges (straight), 30

alternated between 4 days straights before rest, surf then just the base 1 set of pull ups on after the surf day in order to continue building towards V taper.

I would also attribute these changes to nutrition as well as I'm eating more to allow for effective muscle growth...

College sports

A new one, have joined a local sports league at the university, as I've got some time to do so with my new work schedule, figured i could use something competitive to get testosterone pumping and keep me moving since I'm not going to be running as much with a license and such (used to have to run 1.6 km and 3km to get to places i wanted to go when i was in town...) so this should keep me someone moving and serve as cardio.

+ it gives me something else to focus on besides the coursework and seduction when I'm on campus


haven't really started at least creatively, been focused on the aforementioned + course work and seduction work, will need to flex my creative muscles later on, until then these journal entries and reports are the most I've done in this department...


Been reading more pick up stuff occasionally than hobby reading, due to my focuses rn

Finished King of College (hector's stories here have plenty of insight to give)

so currently it's a reread of the alabaster girl.

am also skimming parts of rykers book (verbal game stuff, havent looked much into it but have noticed SOT's, pace n leads etc) and Bishops Journal.

have plans to catch up of more fantasy when i get around to it...

My path as a seducer

Haven't been able to head out and game as much as I'd like in these past few weeks but I'll have a report up shortly, so for the future I will post these things mainly on Sunday to Wednesday as discussed with Mist and Surveyor, cheers again lads.
journal entries will be whenever as this is to track development but will aim for Monday.

As a result of this the focus has been just on fundamentals so the whole workouts thing has def been assisting both mental and physical and I just practice general SECT and voice work while I work at my service gig

In the most recent report I've started to implement more influence techniques ie elicitation (glow), Tourist frame (Bacchus) (only the base framework though...) and Skjoldr's connection gambit (contrasting with minimal listing) which i found some success with, definitely got deep eye contact with the HB at the time and had her immersed for a bit, so testing will continue on that front..., feel like it was missing a level of smoothness though and was more a mix of tech i just threw together like some mad scientist.

Will work on that... a lot of potential there as one might expect.

also was forced to address a bf objection as well with this interaction...

in the meantime I've adopted just the ask how long they've been together then continue convo like nothing happened routine (Gunwitch/ Lofty move) (best for maintaining the social frame and keeping a low profile)

although I've kept counters in mind like...

Bf objection counters

Gunwitch's other counter "perfect he can serve us breakfast in bed, but if he fucks up the eggs... i'll belt him..."

Franco's (i think?) "Perfect... means your not married"

also pretty sure Hector had something like

"bullshit, what's his middle name"

considering the last real counter I used was "who cares" I call this an improvement

high risk high reward wit and tongue in check fun, but low profile covert stuff which maintains the social frame will probs suit my needs better for now, but of course I'll calibrate based on situation.

Field Reports

Daygame: College Campus Library/ After Hours Soccer Pitch

FR- Distractions from Coursework...

What needs work...

From what i can quickly ID, i think it's mainly intent, so need to use more chase frames, push and pull etc during DD, it's just the basic stuff again...

Still need to work on the action muscle missed shots in the upcoming report...

had some random hot babe wave at with while she was her group of friends/ study buddies?, was genuinely considering if i approached her or not before... but let it slip.
(Should have just jumped up, saw she was hot and probs my type, easy as asking if we've met and correcting it if we haven't...)

the two set (FF) who witnessed this and i think the hot blonde one who witnessed me talking to the other chick... gave eyes once i walked past and sat down caught her like a second later
(was thinking i had sports in the next few minutes not enough time...) (had the opportunity earlier though, inducing an AI, and getting to work from there was an option)

was on phone advising my friend when this chick in red swung by to the side of where i was talking to this couches like a 1m away (AI- planted herself there for a bit) gave a quick look while i was talking and hung around for a bit, made the mental note to hit this bitch up ASAP the second i got off phone but then she went to bathroom with her shit then left...

(Should have just told my friend I'll be back, mute him and get that approach done, have done this before as discussed it with him last year, was just off this time.)

Just a matter of building momentum for this again, used to just jump that shit the second it came up, keep the action muscle sharp and practice.
next time will do, got more chances every time I'm back on site for my extra curriculars.

It's cool to have advanced tech to interweave with what we've got but the fundamentals which Chase preaches are the building blocks of all this, so combine that with SECT for subcomms and keep 3 keys in mind while i go through this along with general action and i should be good...

So Key Focuses would be...

Qualifying (can probs interweave this with my DD's better and more consistently with my screening with hobbies, motivations etc)

Chase framing (CF) / Push and pull more (lacking in them still, needs to be fixed up, so implementation would be things like Innocence mini gambit (Warped), along with the basic CF stuff like misinterpretation or push and pull with compliments)

Compliance testing more (been using compliance opens, handclasps and hook games consistently but we can do more with implementing small requests and moves during daygame situations leading up to close)

Minor Focus
Containment- just about the visualisation and keeping it sharp, the more I strengthen this and focus my intent, the better my overall subcomms should be, we're already doing this slightly on a unconscious level but strengthening it and combining it with things like the triangle gaze and my already strong eye contact...
should make things next level

New Tech Implementation...?

Gunwitch opener/ immersion tech
"Do you know who you look like?"

need something different besides my typical cold read stacks, and this is totally something I'd say so why not...

Tourist Frame
- this needs to be memorised better and embedded in my personal frames as I use travel as an SOT so much, this can also lead into connection in different countries contrasted to connection here to proxy towards so many things conductive to a seduction so this is good to have in back pocket.

Elicitation (mirrors and labels to start...)
- Messed around with this a bit on the FR, easy way to make DD's deeper and set frames, also covers conversation management, so continuing to experiment with mirroring and labels is perfect for my progession.

As per usual this will need editing, will run through tomorrow along with report upload
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 6, 2016
12th of April
1 number grab, 1 insta (platonic), lots of missed opportunities

haven't reported in the last few weeks as progress has been slow, got blown out at a uni library before break as I was uncalibrated, wasn't a real approach as I thought it was someone I knew but still sucked...

there was a time where I was consistent, always one number in a day, admittedly conversion rate was low but my action muscle was trained and I had high momentum due to conceived winner effect...

need to get back to that whole hunter feel...

DG City Mall
missed 9 AIs
1 of which did a pivot turn after walking down a mall hall and back to a store while looking out of the corner of her eye, a few others were just AI strong eye contact etc..

we can practice dg here well, good place besides places of study to cut teeth

Note- Was more approaches here but report wasn't finished...

HB- clothes
I was genuinely looking for things in the store so I got this girl to help me out then I launched into a counties cold read which I got right...
didn't follow up, just said I was good at guessing and enjoyed it then I ended up self ejecting...

am working on it, for some reason hired gun in DG are a go to, need to work on branching out

also as usual Containment needs to be worked on along with sect in this encounter..

NG City Mall
Was in the city for a bit wanted to check out this nerd bar and language club at a bar so I hung around

HB- Twin (Dumb FU)
saw her before I left the bar as it was early and got decent eye contact, talked for a little bit, the second i caught EC i was like

"Hey" which keeping SECT in mind so deep voice
and was like i bought a ticket for this other thing so I'll come back and hit her up

so i went to this other uni thing and contact grabbed before coming back
then when i was going to talk to her there was two of them and i was like WTF had literal cartoon moment where i was in shock and was like pointed at one and other and the girl just nodded her head, also their hired guns and the place is bustling at this point...
and to make it worst their pretty much dressed near identically so had the whole which one was i into thing as well

i proceed to psych myself out of it and when i do end up talking to em, can barely understand her which didn't help.

I mean even though nothing came from this it's a funny moment to look back and go Lucky bro, the hell...

So while keeping HB- Twin in mind while i went to scope out this nerd bar venue after the emo lesbian bartender was like they'll be hot nerdy chicks here leading to me buying a ticket for this thing last second as an excuse to check out the private section of this bar and see what was up i built social momentum introducing myself to people and ending up hanging around this 2 set of asians who i thought were chill, ended up talking about love, relationships, exs and all and i distilled some GC advice down to em.
Not necessarily for the point of teaching but because i need to engrain this better, make the mental frame stronger and they listened well, it was good talk about this stuff casually with stories and all and i feel like it put me in a good frame of mind.
Strengthened my resolve just a bit.

HB- Fort (Number Grab) (social proof?) (quick interaction)
I walked up this set of stairs and eyed this hot asian chick so i was like nice in my head and talked to some of her friends who i met earlier for like 2 seconds to try and induce an AI

and it worked caught her looking

I dont even remember who opened
i started talking with her pretty much soon as i caught her a second time as she was sitting down and ran my countries stack (cold read and guessing game on me) while hand clasping with an introduction and sitting down next to her to get that proximity down quickly

then i led it in to her course work (psychology) and her uni and threw a challenge quickly asking her if she was a serial killer to get emotional stimulation via some banter going until her friend came back and were asking her to play games with em, so i walk with her and attempt to get touch on the small of her back to lead her to the signing but her bag gets in the way...
i do this so she can play whatever game she's going to play while talking about coursework and stuff
eventually she asks if i drink
quickly i CF this
you offering to buy me a drink HB- Fort... (I narrow my eyes and try and get that look)

This is all done while getting her thing signed and some nerdy chick handling the signing just has that stunned expression and HB-Fort smiles

then i quickly reroute before an opposing frame comes in (Don't think this would have occurred as i was slow on this)

you got a favorite drink?
she goes on how so loves and can handle vodka then returns my question and asks if ill join them in playing their internet cafe games (i can't my card was for an hour ago which i didn't play, here on a mission...)
i say no, got a language thing to check out but maybe we can grab coffee some time...?
sure (with a smile)
alright what's your number (Rookie mistake)
ahhh ill give you my insta...
cut her off quickly (need to fix this)
actually i'll give you my number (better frame to come in with)

then i give her my number and call myself from her phone to make sure it's good and tell her to shoot me text when they leave for some potenial after party. (She doesn't i have to text her on the train back where i get quick responses)

then i head back to the language club to hit up HB- Twin...
yeah hindsight is a bitch

SECT was handed well here

the future on this one?
In the future on this i get a meet set after some basic banter and small talk on her night and her hobbies but I end up having to cancel due to something coming up at a bar then I run into a bf objection out of the blue when I'm texting again to build up to soft closing again...

here's my move on this one

Text is something like

i hope this doesn't come off as self centred or rude or anything, i'm not sure if you wanted to be friends or more but i wanted to let you know i have a BF :)

So at first im like fuck.
Then im like might as well try this, i take a day to get back (I should have been quicker)

i shoot something back like

tbh i got this late
not sure if im the relationship type
a drink is drink
I dont like to enter things with expectations :)
like i alluded to above
I'm about the moment

then i kept talking about what we were texting about before admittedly i should have attempted to soft close again as she started asking if i had been to places in the city and if i preferred the day or the evening for an activity i liked.

dropped the ball here, had a lack of motivation with the girl being logistically hard to reach and the Bf thing (no clue why she took a week to mention this)

Lessons here
should have moved to make this an SDL now our skillset isn't really at this point yet but would have been better than a number grab logistically and the fact that she seemed hot from the get go, bf objection would have been easier to handle in person as well as this came up after i couldn't make the first meet

otherwise to my knowledge SECT was on point, subcomms should have been right especially since i was somewhat drawn to this one.

HB- Emo (3 set FFM) (FU) (mostly small talk)
while on the train I genuinely was thinking I'm fucked if I don't get home, as I'm no city kid, it's a long ride back if I fuck up
while simultaneously texting HB- Fort and attempting not to do anything dumb

(got used to having a crutch with texting, in my time of trouble, bad idea, am using a hybrid of Hector and Skills text advice here to try and keep a level head here...)

so I opened this 3 set with the focus on this hot emo looking chick like white shirt, tie, miniskirt, was like damn...

open was for genuine help, showed her my route and asked how to get home and she gave me details etc
turned out they were also on the same route
so I naturally lead this into wtf their doing out on a Tuesday night
turns out there was some concert on, so I ask about the band etc if they'd recommend it, they show me pics (I think?, late report) then I zero more in on HB-Emo, handclasp introduce myself and grab her name
her two friends fuck off (cheers)
and I ask where she from, then my brain just dies with convo lead
so I improvise and ask where in town in that to buy my brain time to reboot to which it doesn't really
we board the bus and I was going to talk more with her where I sit close to chat but my brain just ain't going for it...
convo dies and this chick is probs left a tad disappointed.
and tbh I am a bit too, HB is close to home and number grab could have been decent...

instead I end up texting HB- Fort back with a soft goodbye and talking to some two blokes about nerdy shit to keep myself from being bored and keep momentum up.

HB- Spy (FU) (Social Frame grabbed, not enough SECT, Fu on the talking to someone objection)

so the bus arrives at the train station and I'm pretty oblivious, and I was also completely oblivious to the person next me actually being a hot blonde (I totally thought she was older woman)

so my casual open is...
this your stop?
yeah (strong ec)
all good I got U

then I see everyone getting off the bus
my brain is like wtf
then I'm like

where U headed
X (my town)
fuck it, guide me

I leave the bus first and since we're the last two on we stick together so keeping on track with the other set and noticed she is dressed nicely i ask...

so wtf are you doing out on a Tuesday night...
turns out she was at the concert as well
so we talk about the band and how she never heard of em until today and was talking shit about em (turned out she didnt enjoy the concert) so I small talk there and then lead it into a cold read on where shes from which I totally get wrong and I deep dive from there about her job and her art etc
I remember deflecting telling more about myself by asking her to tell me more about herself and working from there and i used her interest in what was in my bag (a shirt i picked up in the city) to form a chase frame

CF attempt "you just wanna see me in a tight shirt..."

I deep dived into her life and what was going on, was having a rough patch with work and all then she started telling me how all these teachers and bosses were kinda crazy, which i teased her on being a red flag (not an ideal move) she didn't go crazy there and laughed and then she got to telling me about her art which i did some qualification on, told her i may need an artist in a bit and crazy school times, knew my time was getting low due to transit...

but when i went to close which i implied with learning how to dance in the city i built negative momentum by implying an invitation that i'm looking for a dance partner to which she said something like
I have no gracefulness etc
then when i brought up the close later she said she was talking to someone.

I fucked up here by accepting the frame (i didnt contest the frame and twist it into a chase frame or anything) and got social frame grabbed with how old are u?
I responded honestly and turned out she was a year younger which i requested compliance on which i jokingly called BS on but implied that she was older and made some dumb joke about her being younger (both bad moves... guess i was out of it ): ) and got her to show her ID

Later went for contact grab but still in a dumb way
was like i dont really know what your deal is with this other dude but regardless i need an artist...
then i insta closed from following me from her account
but not really because it's social media and got it but not get an accepted follow as i did this tomorrow, wasn't surprised there, good reminder that social media doesnt count for much and that emotions fade, act in the moment and reframe anything which is in your way through pacing or misinterpretation

Personal Review
S- My speech was deepened but can always be improved
E - Fundamentals of this are on point but like always it needs that intent (Containment)
C- was right next to each other on the train we were huddled pretty close
T- Touched her a bit when motioning to things on her outfit, and handclasp is standard procedure, need to work on other means as well like touching on high points etc

3 Keys

SF- I didn't give her much on me and i should have connected more and showed similarity, which i think lack of led to that SF grab, I did show her a picture of me when i was younger but maybe incorporation family pictures of me currently is a better move, so i got to give em a bit while maintaining intrigue, but i was getting a life story on what was going on in her life
SF was what i think was missing

EM- The teasing and play frame i think should have had this handled to an extent, I know this more goes into containment and like describing emotions (pacing), need to relisten to SMMA for a better understanding on this

SA- SECT had this handled I had strong EC and some play frame elements with teasing, some touch, proximity was good.

This wasn't really a tech focused encounter and it lacked direction could have led it towards an SOT better and i remember setting up the tourist frame but didn't really follow through, was more focused on carrying on the convo since my last report was more on mechanical instead of being genuinely about a connection but alas both have their issues
is about finding a stable balance and implementing it all tactfully


Give a little bit more on me with intrigue to satisfy SF or relate more when she brings up things and give bit of info there and connect on it more
More CF's to imply intent would be neat

Implementation of describing emotional states would be neat/ pacing emotions
then leading towards SOT's

Our SECT/ Intent just needs to be focused better, as I'm going to note in the status report

Thursday 13th of April

Pretty uneventful night, but the purpose of tonight was scouting venues up in the city for future NG ops

2 approaches, missed opportunities as well, really need to get momentum back.
(Finished this late, so report is very limited, missing the second approach)

scoped like 7 venues, missed some approaches cause I was slow and in my own head, had opportunities there but am still shaking off the rust from NG...
but it wasn't too bad
got to talking with randoms instead attempting to keep a momentum, hired guns and dude groups about the best spots in the city

talked to a few about PU, one did mention how I wasn't approaching... then proceeded to say the night is young and plenty of opportunity here
he got me there.

I grabbed his socials after his group gave me advice on all the venue and I small talked his group, maybe he'll be someone I see again maybe not but the option is there

also ended up talking to the owner of one of the clubs I scoped, and chatted about nightlife and where is decent venue wise, grabs his contact as well as he was checking a club I wouldn't be able to make it to due to train back got bought shots by his crew as I talked to em all about pool, drugs and life stuff.
was offered free drinks if I swing their club


HB- Aries (OR) (just small talk nothing special)

I don't really count this but as I was searching for bars I ended up in the restaurant portion of one of em
got to talking about what was decent from the shop

(think her friend was more into me)
her friend jumped into the conversation and gave me solid recommendation then HB doubled down then I focused more on HB so she gave me another recommendation as I said I might be back tomorrow I left intrigue bait about me being from out of town then she asked me where from and we talked about that for a bit on how she like to get out the city and head to the smaller costal towns...
before i got back to business on venues in the city and asking where was good
eventually self ejected and went off

missed options

Chick at the train station
caught her looking at me and gave me a nod as she was walking
I didn't bite.
but I was cautious about my train, so I can cut some slack there...

Not a bouncer
chick gave me her ID while I was talking with a bouncer, was like haha I'm not a bouncer
could have used this as a playful option and moved into set, or done literally anything.
some of her friends were giggling as well maybe not an AI but better to take action and find out.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 6, 2016
Reporting in

Went off the grid for a bit, still at it but haven't really been writing FR's, usually i write em on the train back from the city or super late at night but as in the report above has stated I got to approaching on transit so...

Besides that not much as changed a ton, still running through my course and I still have to work on balancing everything out with Game work life balance
also got sick after a few nights out so i've been on break for the last week...

so in that time i've figured out how I'm going to balance it out better while keeping a decent focus on my course and general life stuff

was out yesterday, have yet to stand up still, was on hiatus for 2 weeks but am getting much closer, have a feeling I'll be up in a bit...

Working out
Have implemented gymnastics rings and have realised the potenial, follow this guy on yt for a process and specific exercises and am stoked with how it's going, opened up a whole new world of exercises and the range of motion you get on the rings when doing push ups or some the exercises i use to isolate the lats or biceps feel challenging but in a fun way.
i was bored with weights but this is just really fun for some reason even though it takes similar time

Have been continuing to workout in the mornings before eating anything (pretty sure this came from a GC article)

On some Sanderson atm otherwise keeping hector's texting book close and have to get back to the alabaster girl

My path as a Seducer
Honestly, I took a break from all the tech focus and like i stated above I drew back into my more natural off the rails, constantly bored and in search of stimulation vibe which was decent for focusing on a more naturalised conversation but i've noted I can go too off the rails and lose focus.
which leads to me othering myself in spectacular ways i dont even want to discuss...

But it was needed, i havent gotten a lot of progress but that's because of needing to approach more and move towards the close more, it all comes back to the action muscle while i'm out.

A weird mindset that has come up
Was in a bit of a negative cycle where I'm tough on myself where I'm like i got to be better and thinking how did i go from at least a number every week from pretty much single interactions from campus last year to this...
But it's rose coloured glasses
I had momentum back then and even though i got numbers a ton, I got limited results and i know much more now, learned a lot, is just about getting the momentum/ flow state back

As for being tough on myself only way to fix that is to get out and approach then close etc...
just about keeping a level head and remembering this is all fun a letting myself focus on playing and self amusement (the amusement part is usually handled...)

it doesn't really take super long to drag myself out of this negative state but it's something to note that's been up
I'm still learning so just have to chill and enjoy the ride more is all

On positives
Have been approaching on transit and eliciting AI's in train stations which has been going decent, my first real approach came from a bus stop so guess transit is my lucky venue...
furthermore finally got to my cross game focus went up to the city to club and scope out bars etc only issue is that after doing NG consistency and coming back at 3 or 4 am in the morning a few days in a row but i got a habit of getting sick after such adventures so...
we'll limit NG to like once or twice a week or to street approach

On street approach
really gotta start doing this more, when on the city streets while i was running around with my phone dead, rain soaking me and attempting to navigate chicks were way warmer on the approach compared to the actual venues i ended up going to during the night...

Interesting Note
Most of my results, have come from outside of campus from mainly NG or DG (hired guns for the most part) I need to expand out here, limiting myself to Campus approach places me in a social circle type environment so maybe heading to the mall via the intercampus bus is an option...

getting more experience in traditional cold approach I feel will serve me well especially with what i mentioned above about the city and street game.

Improving here?
Improvement here will come from focusing my intent and honing in my structure with the tech but at least i think with this little break I've relaxed a little bit and will implement tech when it's needed while keeping a pretty natural flow and feel.
instead of just throwing it out there because why not...

A low energy approach where I'm relaxed and have intent behind my words and actions (containment) has served me the best, where im somewhat aware but not completely in my own head
this while implementing verbal tech tactfully should elevate me to the next level.

is just about how I continue to practice, gotta think about this like the sport I play or how i work out, add new stuff, study my methods, actually get out there and do it etc

Better State Control/ balance
Also been investigating other means of state control to access this better, so instead of just focusing on invoking old memories to get into state, have looked into some music like RNB etc mostly from this forum so i can chill a bit before heading out to practice
some of the music recommendations on this forum are the bomb like Type O Negative, Azedia or @Alpha15SC pimpin radio whole RNB list is just sick, helps me break it up from all the punk rock i listen to
am def going to look into more RNB to chill to (have a good feeling about latin RNB if i look into it more...)

This will def help for work at Uni so i can focus on work while chilling to music while getting into state then approaching after a set a timer on my phone or something should help me balance it all out easy

New teachings and transition phases (Verbal Game)
I've also been listening to SMMA and plan to implement that more, although for me to get consistency with it i feel like i gotta take notes while i listen to the chapters or else its an information overload...

there's a ton of good stuff there which I'm curious about implementing, am understanding more about Deep Focus Openers (DPOs), Rainbow Ruses (RR) (thinking I can sub out a RR for a Reality Pace think they accomplish similar things and set the authority frame)

Have to review Social Frame and Emotional Stimulation Audio's though, wrapping my head around that is key as i think I've still got some misunderstanding there so will get to note taking a bit there ASAP

Approach to hook phase/ Immersion has been lacking as of late so majority of my focus will be there, implementing a rainbow ruse, reality pace or some other hooking tech properly (my countries cold read stack variation) will probs fix this...

3 Other Focuses
Intent/ Containment/ SECT - Literally just focusing my mind to the seduction and thinking things through or visualising and projecting my intent consciously a bit will help a ton

Frame Control- Chase/ Sexual frame implementation while being able to hold or reframe things needs more work either being more active with it counts for something

Action Muscle- Approach more, induce AI's then open and hook and see what i can do...

Result on past focuses

CF implementation- It's present a tad more but still can use a little bit more, can convert it easier by placing them in the frame of chasing men as well as myself, so by expanding the parameter a bit I should be able to continue to implement for future...
so this was partially achieved but could still use some work hence the partial focus in with frame control being the next real focus.

Compliance testing more- have messed around with this a bit, got a chick to show me her ID in response to social frame grab, got another one to start singing in a restaurant and handclasps are always present, but due to this have also been compliance tested a bit myself, one chick managed to reverse my hook game on myself...
need to remember to decrease the request, by saying something like ask nicely before outright dismissing it to avoid the compliance trap
otherwise i'm still experimenting with this further in future interactions but more towards my goal.

We did some work on this, with the artist we ran into a while back and it was genuine on her artwork got her to show me pictures (compliance btw) etc but need more work on stuff like talking about traits I'm looking for then getting her to qualify to that or disqualify.

Edit- Touched up a ton cause as usual i wrote this late at night...
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 6, 2016
Reporting in

Got a few new FR's to put up for feedback...
Know i've been gone for a while, been trying to focus on more field work + class work, is winter over here and am currently freezing my ass off, coursework is ongoing along with all the other hobbies despite weather down here...

For now before I upload alternate reports got a report where sex talk was implemented half decently, am considering linking it to the general or FR board but for now will leave here...

Path as a seducer
Have been pretty slack lately, ended up heading out with @Marcellus as a good reset (cheers again bro) a couple weeks back to get back into old habits and retrain the action muscle better.
Been heading up to the city to practice NG and have a routine weekly where I'm up there, only issue is balancing out sleep, otherwise works fine, am usually operating solo as well which suits me perfectly am planning to mix slightly more outings with wings so i can bring my friend with me occasionally and of course hang out with the squad.
But I still really enjoy solo work something about the whole freedom of being stag fits me a lot and forces me out to push myself and build social momentum etc, and since I've been fixing up a few bad habits, should be bringing in more results as long as i stay consistent.

Verbal Game (VG) / SMMA
Curiosity Gambits to hook have always been our play but have been mixing in Gun's Do you know who you look like among other things to change things up to allow for easy hook, issue was before just forgot some of the basic conversation things beforehand which was why my convos were flopping before this entry, since then hooks even with resistance with things like "I'm married" has pretty much faded away, can get people's life stories pretty quickly especially with Social Frame questions from SMMA mixed with my own improvisation.

Have started to implement Sex Talk (looks like emotional stimulation and sexual arousal in one pretty package...) and recently what I'm pretty sure is some level of a meta pace/ frame setting to hook quicker at choice moments (needs to be refined and experimented with more), usually not intentionally, sometimes I'm just in the moment and then words just spill out and it turns out good...
Like once i write it down, i can see similarities to what's taught here or that its a gambit which my brain reworded in the moment or an mix of techniques that just popped into my head which i just reflexively used.
Some things besides standard fundamentals are just becoming unconscious which is perfect.

Either way, am always referring back to stuff like @Lofty 's journal and a few other technical game based folk for inspiration or relistening to old podcasts or the SMMA if i need understanding somewhere, but it's been somewhat melded with some of Hector's stuff, need to be cautious of becoming patchwork but so far it's been working decently.
Need more field experience out there with this mix before i can judge it
hopefully my reports provide some insight as well.

Main recent positive/ Something new understanding on VG
Definitely that I'm not to overly tech focused lately (Cheers to @mist for pointing this out), like i still follow a basic process (SMMA mixed with Alek's mainly) but it seems more free flowing (mainly based off last interactions), but things literally just pop into my head and it just turns into something cool typically, i just know ideally i lead things towards an SOT or something sexual then i launch into whatever.

Like I've read over the sex talk gambits and other means of sexualising something and mix and match, like most of those gambits have just turned into how i think of things sexually and even not with the gambits just GC philosophy has melded with my own and expressing it has become pretty streamlined, guess i speak of these things with a passion as well because i find it interesting and i enjoy drawing others into this kind of world/ perception on things
(pretty sure this form of self expression is linked to Bacchus charmer or visionary tech or like i think it's some form of meta/ reality pace I've just forgotten about or some of Gun's emotional stimulation tech)
(will be in the last report.)

but this is mostly based off recent events, only time will tell if this sticks but im keen to experiment with this more

Listing and Contrasting
Also am planning to use that whole listing and contrasting thing to lead towards SOT's better, just realised how tf I'm meant to use some of these conversational management tech to calibrate and lead convo better (relistened to that Bacchus podcast to make sure) like you contrast aspects of a hobby which lead towards it...
Obvious stuff which i totally missed

like with nursing from an interaction
"ahhh i see, so what is it you like about it? is it more the aspect of being able to care for someone deeply making sure they're alright" or is it more that sort of thrill of saving someones life with how the work seems meaningful for you?

now it isn't the best but what took me ages to realise is this is an easy way to open new threads of conversation on things like caring, doing something meaningful/ purpose or maybe thinking about how life is short and how it should be lived to the fullest, it's like the set up to a stronger move which you can use to set conductive frames
any of you Influence specialists feel free to correct me if i'm wrong on this.

Otherwise using a story like some other guys seem to do to set this frame right of the bat is also a possibility

3 Focus Points
SECT- Voice needs to come from chest more, Touch still needs to be more active besides handclasps

Frame Control - It's getting there, chase frames (CF) and sexual frames (set via sex talk mainly) (Sex F) are becoming second nature but i can be more refined with them, am thinking that maybe I overdo chase framing sometimes but haven't seen negative effects besides one so can probably push it more, think i naturally fractionate with fluff talk and more philosophical talk already but something to be aware of

(These two will remain a focus)

Persistance/ Moving Forward an Interaction- Have let go of leads in some pretty dumb ways, need to push myself more not just with the action muscle but in general in a seduction, we can hook and move into mid game setting all sorts of conductive frames through Sex talk (sexual philosophy,), some level of pacing (I think?) but when push comes to shove we dont finish the job or we eject early we dont push the interaction enough so that needs to be dealt with ASAP.

I've been kinda drifting a bit, life stuff i guess, am still around practicing, just that writing these takes a bit of time and I'm trying to be out, studying or just doing something different, gonna keep on trying to be active here with this journal and all, so that one day i can look back and say something cool about the journey or something but will see how it goes.

Will upload these reports most likely here shortly.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 6, 2016


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 6, 2016
Report 24th of June (sat)

Been recovering from a cold for a while and after being out with my brothers on Thurs and not exactly getting a lot done i was compelled to get out there and get some results.

DG (Local Mall)
Had to repair my phone so i had access to the map and train times on my phone for the night's outing so i went into town and getting my phone fixed figured i had time to kill ended up checking out some clothing stores.

Had a bit of a sore throat at the time so my voice was somewhat limited for a bit, while i looked around for a jacket similar to my own then when i reentered a store due to minimal luck and going to talk to the hired gun (new girl, didn't know the store that well) i talked to earlier i realised there was a new girl in there...

HB- Actress
A short set
hey... your the more experienced one right?
yeah I'm the boss for today!
perfect I'm looking for a crimson shirt
then she fully starts helping me with my thing
gives me recommendations and all
(Realise i need to switch this from the customer frame quickly)

she mentions something more personal then i jump on that...
your not from around here?

Her eyes kinda widen (almost like he's asking about me kinda expression)

i DD into where shes from and how she ended up here and what she wanted to do with her life
whats there to do in the city besides drinking (is a homebody...)
use this to quickly talk about connection and conversation (but this is limited need to hammer down on this in DG)

I throw in some chase frames as well
you liked working at the formal place because you saw men in suits...
laugh... i liked dressing them up
ahhh, you took it bit further than i bet on...
laughs more

Attempt to use the tourist gambit on the fly
talk about where she would go if she won the lottery mentions Italy, say i would go there to then i use listing to mention how she enjoys food, history and men...
attempt to discuss how travel is perfect because your free of the judgement of others and how your liberated overseas and can do whatever you want...

(My gambit here needs more work, need to implement the second part to set the Sexual frame better...)

Eventually customers came in and she had to assist them, couldn't just delegate to her newbie and i hesitated on the close said i might come back later and when I did she was on the phone so i gave a quick wave and left.

Lesson here
Close quicker, especially with hired guns, ABC is your best friend.

NG (Dance Club)
Was a tad annoyed i didn't close the DG set and figured my voice was pretty much near back to normal so i went out, got a free ticket to some club event high time i showed.

And i ended up running into some old friends from last time i was around so i hung out with them and caught up for a bit mostly just chill by the DF (went overtime here) before i got to the game, also missed a hot chick and later saw her with another dude...
talk about some motivation, was like good for you but this is a wake up call, time to get to work
told my brothers the deal then i focused.

First set was by the bar, went up to grab a drink of water and saw a HB figured I'd start simple

How's your night going?
Good! how's yours?

then her friend interrupts pushing me away (Tf bitch )
she smiles apologetically and comes back

"your mother hen?"
"its cool i get it..., you from around here?"

start building intrigue on my end

"I'm from out of town"
"along the peninsula..."
"i'm from X!"
"Shit, your actually pretty close im from x"

end up talking about if she's a student turns out she works in law and i mention training to be my line of work and turns out she works with them a lot, say we could work together

then her friend interrupts again then she comes back again

ask if she's Swiss (Countries Cold Read)
she says no
say she's got the look...
thanks... i think thats a complement right
it can be... (with a smirk)
get that strong EC and smile
then her friend interrupts again... (and she's talking to some guy... like isn't this the part where meant to be distracted...)
this time she leaves and talks to whoever she introduced her to (some guy)

figure i might well actually grab my drink, no point rushing over unless something drastic happens.
so i focus on getting my drink and from my peripherals i catch her looking then she comes over

"look i have to go dance with my friend, i'm sorry"
"then we should grab coffee some time, since your somewhat close, we could do some good work together...
(playful tone) (no clue why i said this, shes like an hour away...)

I number close the usual way (i give my number close from her phone)
almost don't give her my number and just my name and she repeats her name for me without prompt (i asked her name earlier)

Persistance is king, and was lacking here, numbers are a last resort and my regret here is the end, she put in the effort to keep on talking to me while her friend was interrupting where as i didn't do jack at the end.
Swear i gotta start speaking more spanish or something to anchor myself to the image of lovers being persistant.

Then something interesting happened with my next few sets after I entered the smoking area

Three Set, HB- Filipina (social frame grab after grab)
(This will be Transcribed into a report, hyperlink will be here when ready)

interesting interaction though, whole thing was from the top of my head and unconscious knowledge

HB- Nurse (Limited Memory/ Short inetraction)
from countries cold read open
nah not spanish... im maltese
(friend next to her is giving her a look while she talks to some guy)

bull, you dont look one bit asian

im mixed, no seems to really pick up on where im from...

I run my countries game
she gets it second try
then after i ask how she guessed so quickly i lead it into

hows ur night been so far?
x, how about you
its been alright clubs arent really my style...
yeah like i mean it fun to dance and all but im more about connection, like it isnt real dancing down there and most of the conversations u get up here is just basic shit like whats your name or x question you get me...

she seems slightly stunned and intrigued so she begins to ask questions (guess that my attempt at a riffed Reality/ Meta Pace)

where are you from?

I'm from out of town, im no city kid... (build intrigue)
eventually tell her where im from

"if i were to ask you whats something you enjoy besides eating sleeping and partying what would u say...?"
"my job i work at x"
tried to follow up more on that but dont remember getting too far so i switched it to course work

"i study nursing"
"ahhh i see, so what is it you like about it? is it more the aspect of being able to care for someone deeply making sure they're alright" or is it more that sort of thrill of saving someones life with how the work seems meaningful for you?" (attempted list and contrasting)

"yeah a bit of both... i like the things we study it's interesting"

then i get a call, i break circle
time to leave and run for 20 mins to a casino

i make sure to quickly attempt to close with coffee date proposal as well
get a maybe
quickly insert my digits into her phone and call myself then i get ready to run for pick up
wasn't expecting much but ABC always.

Lesson Here?
Not sure if i could do much here, needed to lead to an SOT via the last tech, and run the three keys to do more, had basic immersion via that attempted pacing, didn't get much of a chance to fun SF stuff, just timing...

Neat to get back into some action, missed some easy shots at the start but it's a start, long as I keep at it i'll be sharp, if this is after a break imagine what i can properly pull off once I'm warmed up and running effective verbals (;


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 2, 2021
Eventually customers came in and she had to assist them, couldn't just delegate to her newbie and i hesitated on the close said i might come back later and when I did she was on the phone so i gave a quick wave and left.
if you want to test her interest or hook, give her a plausibly deniable reason to return (not in customer frame), and or a generic thoughtless tool you won't even need momentum to deliver

learn about intrigue baits ambiguous cold reads

this can be " XYZ you said just made me think something about you, I can tell you after that customer." " I just noticed something about you, come back after that customer" they have to do their job yes, but you'd be surprised how many come back


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 6, 2016
HBFilipina Report (3 set) for above

Also just realised a part was missing for HB Nurse have linked my attempt at a Reality Pace below

she gets it second try
then after i ask how she guessed so quickly i lead it into

hows ur night been so far?
x, how about you
its been alright clubs arent really my style...
yeah like i mean it fun to dance and all but im more about connection, like it isnt real dancing down there and most of the conversations u get up here is just basic shit like whats your name or x question you get me...

Got a decent hook from that above
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a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 6, 2016
A quick check in

am on holiday (Bali and soon the Philippines) at the moment after a long break and getting sick for a while and as such I've returned to the game...

aim with the break was also to cut out parts of patchworkness am now primarily focused on SMMA with some situational moves instead of trying to meld it all together

Current Issues/ working on

Working with a wing (untrained)- always had trouble with the idea of someone watching you and your every move plus the fact of playing babysitter to someone who's incredibly drunk...

did decent tonight but logistics were fucked can't babysit whist also attempting to pick up (don't want my friends organs to be sold but also wanna get laid...)

am learning to balance this out tonight I was able to run some dancefloor game (Venue was terrible for verbals) pretty decently, Life 360? (need to get simcard asap!!!)

He says he stay in one place but if I pull and score, is he still gonna be there or find his way back easy...
suggestions would be very useful (only thing I can think of is early taxi but doubt he'll comply...
will talk about this tomorrow.

have been working in getting these back to speed I'm spending more time sexualising in my head to project and run containment comboed with SECT( NEED TO REMEMBER TRI GAZE AT START OF INTERACTION)

Daygame in general
slightly linked to the wing gig but need to start approaching more during the day, tonight was my return using Night game in a noisy venue

but I've always preferred day game so going up and using RPOs, intrigue baits or just something attention grabbing and setting up SMMA immersion and keys is vital

What's Good?

Reality Pacing and other adv gambits
- took me way to long to get the hang of this but reality paces are pretty easy to come up with using Dev's structure which replaces the rainbow ruse, adv Gambit memorisation and implementation went well back home
(this was before holidays though)

Need to start implementing in Bali and running daygame (Wanna get the beach down)

Fundamentals - In check still, summer workouts make my chest look big and my eye contact - tri gaze is on point still.

implementing physical game
just need to work on the pull or isolate where can talk, hesitated on kiss escalation and lacked situational awareness so she tripped over some German chicks leg, should have been quick enough to notice...
but overall implementation of opens and stuff was decent for someone who doesn't use it much.
lessons learned for next round.

A note
will maybe update this later, am very dead after Ng op tonight but this serves as my mark, am still playing ball

cheers to all those who keep on supporting me
Ie @Marcellus @mist and @Chad Tyrone
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 6, 2016
4th of November Sat (The warm up)
only 4 real approaches (Need to bump this up ASAP)
1 decent escalation to fuck up

PSAs- Beware scams and sketchy people, go for shot always, adapt when you gotta

A heads up
this plays more like a journal entry skip forward to final sections to see me attempting to get back into action...


was fucked up from the other night jetlag coupled with late night early wake up didn't do wonders leaving me hazy.
drank lots of water and pineapple/ guava juice along with a swim to compensate a bit

The night started out eventfully with having no data for the map and attempting to find the clubs in main city had to walk through the beach to follow limited map route
(turned out to ages away (shit logistics))

me almost getting robbed...

the beach was dark and the mall we walked through prior felt like a Asian horror film in the making with it being a ghost town

lucky i had my wing there for situational awareness

potential scam ran like this (maybe you can avoid this in future...) (i blame my dumb tiredness with the call who the fuck trusts randoms on dark beach paths using cold reads...)

they were smart, was waiting on the beach path we had to use

they used a girl with a familiar accent to open you for help then making base small talk with a cold read (social frame) and having 2 men tail you from the shadows in all black so they blend into the night and can pickpocket you as you walk down the beach in search of clubs...

I kept on moving as I talked

one of the men later interjected that he was the husband coming out of the shadows after i started a part of the SMMA process (warm up) coupled with banter (third one only my wing saw apparently he reached for my pocket)

after leading em into the light they fucked off... after I got confirmed directions to the club and wheres good for nightlife
was lucky i had my wing as back up

got told a saying/ thought before i left for Bali by my father

beware the locals but even more so beware the foreigners, locals think up small scams but the foreigners who hang around think big to ensure they can maintain their lifestyle here.

didn't bet on getting an active lesson.

to top it off while searching for these clubs
also had to go down this super sketchy alleyway which went on for ages (no other known route there.

So i guess just treat this part as a PSA for anyone young, tired and adventurous, be careful, this could have very easily turned into a fuck up, and im usually switched on in these situations.

Finally reaching the location
ended up at the night life street after heavily contemplating my life choices while walking down the sketchy alley with my wing with a half functional map and dog barking closely behind us to which we moved a tad quicker (Rabies is big over here)

after finally getting to the maon street gave it a quick look around and my wing kept on saying he wanted go head in somewhere so we chose a popular well known one
it ended up being a dance club...

just loud music (music wasnt half bad though) (fucked up most post up strategy though),
big ass dance floor and tables exclusively for VIP

did a mental face palm the sec i realised what i just paid to get into but wasn't gonna leave with cover and time not being in our favor

took a sec for me to get my barings and figured fuck it we can just get used to this in prep for next outing so i starting partying for a bit to warm up just getting good vibes down

Group Set (MMFF)
ended up dancing (Aleks dance series) with this group after i catch one looking (not my type but figure i could attempt the friend) building social momentum i hang around for a bit then get the vibe the dude and the gal are dating and not much IOIs

(not really an excuse but am playing sniper game here, verbal are no go with how loud shit is.)

so i enjoys the good vibe with them before moving on

Set 2
opened a two set on the dance floor to attempt to get the first approach (in my mind) out of the way.
used my usual cold read nationality opener and got it right and talked some fluff before heading back to DF (realised verbals are tough with loud music (should have whispered too)

wing also proceeded to drink a fuck ton so i ended up assigning these gals who i noticed one looking at my friend to watch him at points where i was... preoccupied yet still keeping close

(am on guard here since the incident at the start of the night.)

Set 3 (MF) (lack of situational awareness, trigger pulling and iso for verbals)

I notice this sexy asian tiny girl with glasses and some dude walk onto the dance floor so i keep dancing and start prepping to do DF game (had slight approach Anxiety)

so i dance and pick up on her getting closer and her friend leaving so i hesitate for a bit before deciding that's dumb and launch bump with escalating incidental touch into a hifive open to spin!

she doesn't pick up on the spin right away and i have to motion to get the compliance then I'm running my hands around her pulling her in, having her grind on me while i attempt to use skills knee tech (needs work)

she ends up whispering asking where im from to which i reply my other half to avoid rich foreigner vibes

(could have moved off DF here, transitioned to verbals?)

i keep end up grabbing her ass and tits and escalating further and then while im mentally debating kiss to spike arousal

(Note to self, just kiss her if you thinking it and also in strong sexual state grabbing her tits, ass and having her grind on you, you can kiss her...
logical hindsight is a bitch.)

whist also high fiving my wing mid second spin (who is now even more drunk) while the two set from set two watches

she trips over one of the girl's legs from set two


totally killed the vibe and i dance with her for a bit before i attempt to get another spin into escalation again but don't get it
(probs wasn't too to excited for potential trip no 2)

i vaguely remember something about leaving to build rapport so i try that...
no luck

so i enjoy my drink and chill for a bit before heading to the DF


after Set 3 I just dance with my wing for a bit and chat with Set 2 letting my wing drunk talk with em and i just enjoy some vibes dance with some randos
search for missing jewellery (wing's)

Set 4 (FFFFM) (contact close, end of night)

my wing picks up on some euro chicks on the other side of the dance floor and is like bro
im like i understand completely taking note of the cameraman i grab some randos and enlist them for a nice photo and work then i get the guy from that group to assist me in getting the attention of the cameraman then i afterwards with base attention and some investment garnered i keep dancing and end up joining their circle i notice one edging closer so again hesitation before using the df high five to spin opener and i get the spin then she moves to other side of the circle?
to which my brain is like what...
i just keep dancing and she occasionally hovers
(dances or goes on her phone a lot in close proximity near me)
while i dance with circle and other randos

Before i hit end of time to which my wingman is stumbling a tad and I'm thinking i cant push him more that this + i need sleep
i go for social media grab because my sim is fucked here with offer to hang to which she agrees then i get out of here with my wing.

Game Strategic Thoughts/ potential adaptations

Running verbals on some locals earlier in the day led to lack of understanding at some points but standard banter to push and pull style seems to function fine...
(considering a switch to non verbal emotional stims or just standard push and pull banter)
(However needs more testing, else I'd be using a limited approaches as a basis from earlier days on this trip)

IOIs with lack of approach are less forgiving here compared to home so with windows closing quicker I gotta approach quicker
opener doesn't really matter as long as I can attention grab and begin SMMA process

If your thinking of doing something you should probably do it, sometimes being impulsive and trusting your instincts and sexual thoughts running through you head is key to getting the win.

It's good to be back.
as per usual if you guys see anything needing work or mistakes point it out,
Set 3 and 4 are the major factors
improvement is key.
appreciate all of you!
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 6, 2016
A quick Note
Am due in a Bali Report but this is finished and will have to upload that along with an SMMA field report in due time....
just a matter of writing it.

in the meantime this should suffice

24th of November

The Philippines


I'm attempting to settle in under unique conditions...

I've been getting used to cold approach here (been with family majority of the time), had slight reservations due to how conservative this place is but pretty much plays out similar to Bali...

as expected its possible here with a few hiccups.
im in one of the smaller cities 3 or 4 hours from Manila and english is less known down this way, they can understand a bit but have to chose my words wisely...

(probably should slow down my speaking as well... (maybe a more plausible reason))

another observation is that younger folk here look young, ive always joked about asians finding the fountain of youth but here its taken to an extreme 21 year olds look like they should be in high school... its been disorienting but am able to id who's legal based of School IDs

Additionally they know im a foreigner even with half blooded asian look they can tell, so have to be on guard and smart as it makes me a mark, however have been enjoying the benifits which comes with filipinos and foreigners...
attention and iois are hectic here

The Guardian/ Chaperone
unfortunately on my end have run into the issue of having a chaperone 24/7 to which im negotiating terms with

Solo stuff like I'm used to is out the window in response to things being "dangerous" over here i now have to have an assigned watcher with family even during the day

seems everyone sticks in groups here probably for similar reasons

so have been attempting to get used to that and have approached some groups to try and form social circles so ive got some level of freedom again so will see how that plays out.

there is reason to this which i can understand to some extent like me being lighter skinned marks me as a foreigner and therefore a target to be robbed but Daygame should be fair.

have negotiated for freedom movement whenever we're next at the mall, am able to move around local unis and malls while out solo (hopefully word is kept)
however haven't been able to get much besides that.

Have also familiarised myself with Chase's street smarts article and am planning to attempt to look more like locals...
my accent and minimal knowledge will give me away but looking like someone who's more experienced with the country at least should work

Logistics and occurances in the town

Night game in this place is pretty much non existent, this place is a quiet city with 2 main malls which are close to each other and a number of markets otherwise Universities are somewhat fair game (some require IDs)

due to looking like a foreigner i get a lot of positive attention as well, been called handsome a fuck ton by randoms, but no one super stunning yet at least directly.

need to rack up some more approaches either way which I don't mind

in addition, my home which is shared with family which ive organised a deal with girls already have offered me private room and is 20 min from the mall.
only issue is going to be running into everyone while attempting to pull... (future issue i guess)

otherwise public is an option but is admittedly advanced for me at the moment and with strict Christians being prevalent i need to be cautious.

My Current Game Plan (mad scientist thoughts...)

while in this town, I'll have to prioritise mall/ street/ college daygame to operate solo or as previously been doing over last 2 days here is creating distance to mini isolate myself to approach people.

(otherwise I'll just have to get good while approaching with my family, i mean someone here got chicks with a broken leg this is just minor head games)

Night Game when I'm out with family closer to my age (out of town cousins) or when im staying in a different area
(nearest clubs are 40 min away with minimal traffic)

english issues
this likely means I'll be using less advanced verbals with SMMA (subcomms and physical are universal) or banter game if they can't understand the paces (which seems likely)

otherwise i can run hector style direct game, know enough tagalog to give a strong complement (probs better for similarity) or light complement in english
(Got more used to this coupled with banter in Bali due to similar language issues)

Also have to account for if uni is still active (HS exams finished today) otherwise i lose a venue and method of telling people's ages (will investigate ASAP)

will continue to report in as this trip continues.

Todays results (in group)
3 mixed group approaches (to form SC game ideally)
1 genuine situational open, with lone wolf (missed the close, hesitated based in age turned out was legal)

2 social media closes
(need to get sim card asap)

improvements to make (Self Id)

Slow my english speaking down - need to be understood to use verbals

- was in a group so I'll cut some slack but got lots of iois + we can induce them so gunning for more approaches is key.

+ if we're getting strong complements from randoms we might as well push it to the limit

Implement some Tagalog on the open or during conversation.
- Social frame/ similarity points, worth learning more to close and lighter complements to adapt my game.

@Dreamer for your info on smaller town Philippines

Am welcome to advice here as well maybe you guys have been in similar situations?
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